Nové technologické postupy pro integrovanou organickou elektroniku Projekt OPVK NANOTEAM Nové technologické postupy pro integrovanou organickou elektroniku Ing. Ondřej Chmela 24.10.2014 Investice do rozvoje vzdělávání
Aim of these work Pass through all lithography techniques for obtaining base electrode structures and others structures (all available techniques - done) Get acquainted with all available devices to control surface properties (AFM, profilometry, SEM, contact angle – all done) Find out right techniques for applying coatings on substrate for one and more layers (almost done) Start with electrical measurements for obtain characterictics of materials (still in progress) Find out a technique for encapsulation of the sensor storing properties of organic materials without reducing of sensitivity (the most important thing, but still unsolved) Find some techniques to modify surface properties for better sensing, thinking about utilizing nanotubes, graphen and other techniques as a thin films, ALD and others. (thinking, studying and looking for collaboration)
What happened Surface and material preparing Plasma cleaning of ITO substrates PEDOT:PSS filternig by non-definited paper (value of holes???) PEDOT:PSS coating by spincoating with different RMS => different value of depth Measurement and evaluation of surface roughness and depth Find some problems with structure of first layer => non-homogenous surface => possible solution is application of second layer (will be tested)
PEDOT:PSS measurement of depth (first layer) RPM=4000 RPM=3000 RPM=5000
PEDOT:PSS surface measurement (layers comparison) RPM=3000 RPM=3000 RPM=4000 RPM=4000 RPM=5000 RPM=5000
Measurement of PEDOT:PSS second layer by 3D DekTak mapping
Treatment of PEDOT:PSS By ultrasonic Nontratment
Ultrasonic treatment of PEDOT:PSS Microscope Profilometer
Particle size of PEDOT:PSS (big one)
Particle size of PEDOT:PSS (smaller one)
Contact angles Plasma treat - ITO Non treat - ITO Plasma treat - Glass Non treat - Glass
PEDOT:PSS measurement
Measurement of PEDOT:PSS surface by 3D DekTak mapping
What happened at last weeks Passed last exam at last week (studying) Prepared device and station for spray-spin coating Surface preparing Plasma cleaning of ITO substrates for testing PEDOT:PSS coating by spray-spin coating (first tests) Tests were based on finding what is optimal amount for one coat It depends on pressure and settings of spray gun It is not looks bad but wants more testing Combination of these both techniques looks good to obtain quality homogenous layer PEDOT:PSS coating by spray-spin coating (second tests) Tried diffferent settings for spincoater (RPM = 1000 – 7000) Evaluate of dependent between spincoater speed and coat depth (profilometry or AFM) Measurement – C-V and R-X characterization (and repairing of measurement station)
R = 760 R = 2,6 K R = 830 R = 840
Investice do rozvoje vzdělávání Poděkování: Poděkování: Budování výzkumných týmů a rozvoj univerzitního vzdělávání výzkumných odborníků pro mikro- a nanotechnologie (NANOTEAM) CZ.1.07/2.3/.00/09.0224 Investice do rozvoje vzdělávání