Plantaginaceae The Snapdragon Family
Vegetative Features - Herbs with round stems - leaves alternate or opposite
Reproductive Features - Flowers 4- or 5-partate, usually zygomorphic, often bilabiate (two-lipped)
Androecium commonly of 4 didynamous stamens fused to the corolla. (Two stamens in the genus Veronica.)
In many genera and species, a fifth stamen is present, modified as a staminode.
Ovary superior, of two fused carpels Style terminal Fruit a many-seeded capsule
Plantaginaceae Ca4-5 Coz4-5 A2,4 G2
Economic Importance: Digitalis (foxglove) is the source of digitalin, a cardiac glycoside used in the treatment of heart disease. Also numerous ornamentals, e.g., foxglove, snapdragon
Local Flora Chelone glabra turtlehead Veronica americana American brooklime
Nuttallanthus canadensis Canada toadflax Plantago major Plantain
Pedicularis canadensis Orobanchaceae Plants with similar flower structure that are hemi-parasitic (they do photosynthesis, but are also root parasites) have recently been placed in the family Orobanchaceae, along with fully parasitic plants such as beechdrops. Melampyrum lineare cow-wheat Pedicularis canadensis lousewort