Working with patient opinion in community services
Patient Experience Toolkit Governance Communication The bolton experience Patient Experience Toolkit Governance Communication What patients are saying What staff are saying
Patient Experience Toolkit
Communication Staff Meetings Notice Boards Patient Leaflets
What are patients saying Rapid Response Unit Bolton Hi! I should like to thank all the nursing staff at the unit for their excellent treatment and friendly manners. I have attended on a regular basis for the last twelve months. On every visit they have been very helpful and tried to make appointments to suit my busy schedule, I cannot thank them enough. Physiotherapy team have helped me regain my confidence For the last four weeks I have been having treatment from your team. Carolyn, Carol and Janet they have given me excellent service, with their help I have got back my strength and mobility and regained my confidence. They all treated me with care and kindness and are a credit to your unit. Thanks to them all
What staff are saying The team checked the patient opinion site to see whether anything had been posted and were delighted to find a very positive comment about a clients’ experience from our service. Those patients that have responded appear to be pleased to be able to comment The staff were surprised that a client had used the site as they had assumed that with us seeing mainly elderly clients that people would not be able to access the internet - so our learning from this experience is not to assume that our clients would not use this site to write comments and therefore to check regularly.
Promote openness and accountability. benefits Lead to greater patient and carer satisfaction. Improve patient experience. Improve public understanding and confidence of health services and create local ownership. Promote openness and accountability.
Key Messages: so what’s the ………… Patient and public opinion is heard. Feedback is acted on. Lessons are learnt
Any Questions Contact Details Dr Alan Cowie Head of Integrated Governance 01204 462350 Contact Details