Statistics and Probability-Part 7
You may hear that the climate is changing since the average global temperature is rising. The graph below shows the average global temperature from 1900 to 2002.
Does the graph give you a good representation of the change in temperature? Explain your thinking. How do the scales of the graph affect your impression? Comment on the statement: The data show that the earth is getting warmer than ever before.
Although the two graphs below represent the same data, they give different impressions.
Which graph suggests that fewer flights are delayed Which graph suggests that fewer flights are delayed? How was this impression achieved? What groups of people might choose each graph? Why? Do you think these data were gathered by sampling, or do you think they represent all flights? Give reasons to support.
The graph shown below shows the percentage of airline seats filled during the second quarter of 2003 through the first quarter of 2004.
It appears that the first quarter of 2004 had double the percentage of passengers in the second quarter of 2003. Is this an accurate description? Explain your answer. Write a statement that accurately describes the changes from the second quarter of 2003 to the first quarter of 2004.
How was $209 computed. What data are used to make this graph How was $209 computed? What data are used to make this graph? The last package has $838 written above it. The amount $838 is 4 x $209.40, rounded to the nearest whole number. Explain how it fits the data. Is the size of the last package four times the size of the first? Explain.