Welcome to Project CHARACTER* Created by Dr. Jim Carroll and Joe Montecalvo
Project CHARACTER* Developed by James J. Carroll, Ph.D., it was created as a result of a grant that was awarded by the U. S. Department of Education’s Character Education Program in July, 2008 to the Yonkers Public Schools
Project CHARACTER* Co-Directors: Howard Krieger Jim Carroll, Ph.D.
Leadership Team: Elda Perez-Mejia, Principal Sheena Abraham, Grade 4 Maria Garcia, Grade 3 - Bil. Michael Wojehowski, Grade 6 Annelene Wright, T.I.P.
Co-Director of Project CHARACTER* Introducing…… Mr. Howard Krieger Co-Director of Project CHARACTER*
Overview of Project CHARACTER
CHARACTER Citizenship and High Academic standards, Reinforcing the Aspen Character Traits, and Ethical Reasoning
CITIZENSHIP The Character Education Public Policy Analyst (CEPPA): Define (1) schoolwide, (2) classroom & (3) curriculum social problems & develop new public policy solutions
High Academic standards CEPPA & PPA & character education will promote academic improvement.
Reinforcing the ASPEN Character Traits respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, caring justice & fairness civic virtue & citizenship
Ethical Reasoning Using analysis and technology to solve our school’s problems and create a caring environment
Improved Academic Performance Goals of Project CHARACTER Caring Schools Improved Academic Performance
Committee meetings will be held on MONDAYS (after school for 1 hour) Interested faculty members should select one of the school-wide problems: Discipline (Sept-Nov) 2. Academic Achievement (Dec-Feb) 3. Parental Involvement (Mar-June) Committee meetings will be held on MONDAYS (after school for 1 hour)
The CEPPA addresses these school social problems… (a) discipline problems (b) students’ grades (c) participation in extracurricular activities (d) parental and community involvement (e) faculty and administration involvement (f) student and staff morale
Skit: Doctor’s Visit
Public Policy Analyst Steps: 1) Define the Problem 2) Gather the Evidence 3) Identify the Causes 4) Evaluate an Existing Policy 5) Develop Solutions 6) Select the Best Solution (Feasibility vs. Effectiveness)
If we all work together as a team… …then CHARACTER will achieve its goals and objectives at Hostos. For more information visit: http://www2.maxwell.syr.edu/plegal/character/character10.html
In Closing
Keep Your Deck Chairs Facing Forward!!! Remember: Keep Your Deck Chairs Facing Forward!!!