NHS National Staff Survey 2018 Results Thank you everyone who took part in the survey. Here are our top line results. Key Improvements since 2017 Q13d. Last experience of harassment/bullying/abuse reported Q17a. Organisation treats staff involved in errors fairly Q19g. Supported by manager to receive training, learning or development definitely identified in appraisal Q12d. Last experience of physical violence reported Q17d. Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported errors Our core strengths Q21d. If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care provided by organisation Q21c. Would recommend organisation as place to work Q17a. Organisation treats staff involved in errors fairly Q22b. Receive regular updates on patient/service user feedback in my directorate/department Q21a. Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority Our views Issues to address Q11a. Organisation definitely takes positive action on health and well-being Q4e. Able to meet conflicting demands on my time at work Q16b. In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt patients Q10c. Don't work any additional unpaid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours Q10b. Don't work any additional paid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours 71% Q21c. Would recommend organisation as place to work 82% Q21d. If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care provided by organisation 83% Q21a. Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority