Gas Information Review Proposal UNC 0140 Overview Chris Logue
UNC Review Proposal National Grid have launched a UNC Review Proposal Review all data published on website. Except recently implemented changes Identify data of little use Identify duplicated data Identify possible gaps in the data Review NCORM and suggest how this may be simplified to allow more efficient and user friendly data provision
Market has evolved in past few years. Drivers for Change Market has evolved in past few years. Several disparate info mods raised during past 12-18 months Inefficient in terms of process and implementation Systems drivers MIPI 07/08 Seeking to provide quality information in the most efficient and user friendly manner Shift from current report centric approach to a more flexible data centric approach
Potential Mod Proposals Remove Obligations to publish unwanted or obsolete data. Reform the NCORM to adopt a data dictionary type format New data requirements May be a number of separate proposals for new data Mod proposals may be released before the end of the review process