Let us Flex our Gooey Guis, Sire By: Brandon Plaza, Dhruv Lakhiani, alexander Mierzwa
What is a gui? GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. Not ours What is a gui? GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. A GUI is a windowed program that looks more like the applications we’re used to seeing. Compared to the console programs we’ve used before, GUIs are more visually appealing and more intuitive to use for the average person.
Setting up a gui Prior to your program, you must: Import the 3 main libraries containing the GUI classes and subroutines. These will be included on the template file (on cs4everyone), along with the core methods and structure for a basic program. After preparing your GUI code: You will be able to create GUI objects such as: JPanels, JTextField, JLabels, JButtons, etc. all with different purpose. Setting up a gui
Implementation of gui (J) Labels (J) Text Fields (J) Buttons Allows the user to input data into the program, which can be later used by the program. Provides the user with control over the program for what data is to be processed and when. Produces specific information and/or data to the user; is often the output in a program. The above objects are placed and organized into a panel, that is then placed into a (J) Frame – which is the interface the user runs and views for a program.
Arrays! This is a data structure, consisting of several identical objects that function similarly to one another. An array’s purpose is to tidy-up code, making the code more efficient (in terms of time) and aestheticcc. The array can be accessed directly through ‘index’ values, which call upon a specific, individual object within the array.
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