Understanding of the E391a Detector using KL decay


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding of the E391a Detector using KL decay Ken Sakashita ( Osaka University ) for the E391a collaboration Overview KL → 3p0 analysis KL beam & Detector study Conclusion

Overview(1) Engineering Run Detector & KL beam understanding CsI Charged Veto Collar counter (CC03) Edge counter Detector only downstream part Detector & KL beam understanding Data sample vs MonteCarlo KL 3p0 Confirm our MC simulation We need confirmed MC simulation in order to study acceptance and so on.

Overview(2) Data sample (only 3 hours run used in this study) Mainly KL 3p0 6g Energy measured by CsI calorimeter Only neutral decay mode ( no spectrometer !!) MonteCarlo Simulation Input KL beam (avr. P = 4GeV@Detector) GEANT3 based Detector simulation Method Reconstructed KL events Simple clustering (typically 3x3) Reconstructed KL 3p0 with good vertex chi square 0.46 < MKL (GeV) < 0.53 Generated by Beam line Simulation KL momentum (GeV/c)

KL->3p0 Data vs MC Wrong KL momentum distribution Invariant mass of 6 g # of KL Data/MC = 0.74 Data MC Wrong KL momentum distribution Is the problem due to input KL momentum or detector response ? Compare in 0.5 GeV energy bin

KL->3p0 Data vs MC( 0.5GeV EKL bin) Vertex Z distribution Sensitive to energy response Data MC Data MC

KL->3p0 Data vs MC( 0.5GeV EKL bin ) Minimum distance between clusters Sensitive to energy response Data MC Data MC

KL->3p0 Data vs MC( 0.5GeV EKL bin ) Cluster Hit Position (distance from the center) Sensitive to detector response Data MC Data MC

Reweighted input KL momentum MCは、よく detector を再現しているように見える。 実験で得られた KL momentum を、 MC の input KL momentum に反映させてみる。 Data MC KL momentum is softer than estimated one. consistent with results of the Beam survey.

KL->3p0 Data vs MC( reweighted ) Vertex Z match well Cluster Hit position ( Rij ) still match Data MC Data MC

KL->3p0 Data vs MC (reweighted) PT2 distribution is not consistent with MC. Beam shape D 2 ( ) is not also consistent with MC. MC does not reproduce KL Beam shape well. Data MC

Summary E391a detector is working well. We can get good KL pencil beam. Detector & KL beam understanding using KL->3p0 KL Beam Yield Data/MC = 0.74 Momentum distribution Softer than estmated distribution It is consistent with the results of the beam survey After reweighting Data vs MC match well Beam shape MC did not reproduce well. It needs more study. Detector More detail study in the next step


KL->3p0 Data vs MC( reweighted ) Cluster Hit position ( Rij ) still match Minimum distance between clusters still match

KL->3p0 Z reconstruction Make 3 gamma pairs from 6 clusters Resonstruct Z vertex by asusuming Mp0 from 2g Calculate vertex chi square for 15 combinations of 3p0 Select best combination for KL candidate

KL->3p0 Data vs MC( reweighted ) Beam shape ( vertex X,Y ) Data MC