Proposed Follow-up Space Climate Observatory side-session discussions Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Proposed Follow-up Space Climate Observatory side-session discussions
Conclusion of Discussions Recommend that SCO review available documents addressing how Earth Observations address the Paris Agreement Articles, from: i) CEOS, ii) GCOS and iii) GEO, governance should then be consistent with the potential role of Space Agencies. CEOS to send a letter to CNES suggesting the approach required for CEOS to consider information on the SCO, its scope and relevance to existing activities.
Items for CEOS letter to CNES/SCO Description should be consistent with internationally agreed terminology and structure (e.g. IPCC WG 1,2,3 & GCOS, SBSTA relations) Space agency contribution (added-value) should be clearly identified - especially if emphasis is put on the local adaptation scale issues, where socio- economic and other data are critical. SCO should take advantage of tried-and-tested approaches for Space Agency engagement i.e. Statement of Requirements (e.g. for adaptation) A stable set of objectives should be identified for the mid-term (5 years) A near-term (2 year) timeline should be identified for implementation