Au- Here I am! Sm – Time travel Sp- Wonderful Weather? Everyday Materials Seasonal changes Plants Animals including humans I can correctly use words like: ‘old’, ‘new’ and ‘a long time ago’. I can describe some things in my local area. I can answer some questions about the weather. I can name some objects that belong to the past. I can think of a few questions to ask about a locality I can keep a weather chart. I can explain the main features of a hot and a cold place. I can retell a story set in the past. I can say my address. I can describe a locality using words and pictures I can explain how some famous people have helped our lives be better today. I can explain how the weather changes within each season. I can begin to explain why I would wear different clothes at different times of the year. I can name some key features associated with a town or village. E.g. ‘church’, ‘farm’, ‘shop’. ‘house’. I can talk give reasons why we celebrate events, such as bonfire night, today. I understand that we have a queen who rules us and that Britain has had a king or queen for many years. I can say something about the people who live in cold and hot places. I can draw a simple map. I can make a simple key I can explain what I might wear if I lived in a very hot or very cold place. I can talk about the differences between old and new objects. I can identify the four countries that make up the United Kingdom I can describe the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the equator and the north and south pole. I can ask and answer some questions about old and new objects. I can spot old and new things in a picture. I can point to the UK on a globe. I can point to the equator, north pole and south pole on an atlas or a globe.. I can answer a question using an artefact / photograph provided. I can talk about some things that happened when I was little. I can give a sensible explanation about what an object might have been used for in the past. I can conduct simple fieldwork in the school and surrounding area. I can explain how I have changed since I was born. I can recognise that a story might have happened a long time ago. The Victorians: Queen Victoria 20th century: Neil Armstrong, Amy Johnson I can put three objects in time order.