-tion, -ion, -sion (the act of) 5th Grade ELA Learning Focus Word Study -tion, -ion, -sion (the act of) description- to give details about the way something looks prescription- written directions from a doctor concerning the dosage of medicine subscription- to agree to make payments in order to sign up for something deception- the act of making someone believe something that isn’t true revelation- the act of revealing or making known impression- an outward appearance confusion- a situation where people are uncertain about what to do discussion- the act of talking to someone about topics or ideas exhaustion-the condition of being very tired correction-something substituted in the place of what is wrong Reading Comprehension Toolkit Lesson 2 and 3 (when comprehension breaks down and annotating text) Writing Fictional Narrative writing (we are writing our own creative narrative and incorporating the elements of a fictional narrative, dialogue, sensory details, etc) Language - Word Study (-tion, -ion, -sion) ** Students are expected to read 20-30 minutes a night and study their words for the weekly word study quiz ** READ Wish List: Post its Handsanitizer Treats for candy box August 27-31, 2018 - Word Study Quiz