THE ENLIGHTENMENT: How did something that happened in the 1700s in England make America want to break free? Philosophical movement led by great thinkers in Europe between 1680s - 1780s The age of reason: question everything! Focus on the importance of a strong state balanced with rights of individuals
THOMAS HOBBES England 1588-1679 Before government, we lived in a state of nature “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, short” Social contract theory: people give up some rights to the state for security Absolute central lawmaking authority needed
“There is no power on earth to be compared with him” - Book of Job Crosier: staff carried by Catholic leaders Earthly Powers Cannon Weapons Battlefield Powers of Church Excommunication Logic Religious courts
JOHN LOCKE England 1632 – 1704 Social contract creates limited government Government exists only to protect natural rights: life, liberty, property Government relies on consent of the people; if gov fails to protect rights, people should overthrow it
JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU France 1712 – 1778 Sovereignty should be in the hands of the people Classical republicanism: gov should be made of small groups of the people to enforce the general will
BARON DE MONTESQUIEU France 1689 - 1755 Government’s powers should be separated into three parts: legislative, executive, judicial Each part should be separate from but also dependent on the other two parts
VOLTAIRE France 1694 - 1778 Writer & poet who was censored and exiled by the French nobility and arrested just for being a threat Argued for freedom of speech & religion and the right to a fair trial
The Road to Revolution: (1763-1776)
Battle Over Land 1754: French & Indian War over Ohio River valley 1763: Proclamation (colonists not allowed to go west of Appalachian mountains
British Need Money! 1764: Sugar Act 1765: Quartering Act First law to raise $ for Crown Anyone accused of violating tried in new court without jury 1765: Quartering Act Colonists had to provide food/shelter for British troops 1765: Stamp Act Tax on documents Wills, newspapers, playing cards, marriage licenses Colonists boycott British items “no taxation without….” Parliament repeals in 1766
1765: Townshend Act Tax on imports from Britain: glass, paint, paper, TEA Colonists boycott British items again Later repealed except for tea tax
The Boston Massacre (1770
1773 Tea Act British East India Co.: Facing bankruptcy Many members of Parl. held shares. Permitted the British East India Co. to sell tea directly to cols. without taxes Colonial sellers would lose profits
Boston Tea Party: 18,000 pounds of tea!
1774: The Intolerable Acts Port Act closed Boston harbor Government Act restricted town meetings 3. New Quartering Act Administration of Justice Act sent trials to England
First Continental Congress Agenda How to respond to the Intolerable Acts? 1 vote per colony Petitions to Parliament Stockpiling Weapons
April 18, 1775: The British Are Coming Paul Revere & William Dawes make their midnight ride to warn the Minutemen of 700 approaching British soldiers.
The Shot Heard ‘Round the World Lexington & Concord – April 19,1775
Declaration of Independence