Introduction to Image Analysis and Processing
Image File Formats JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group JPEG is designed with photographs in mind. It is capable of handling all of the colors needed. JPEGs have a lossy way of compressing images. At a low compression value, this is largely not noticeable, but at high compression, an image can become blurry and messy. BMP - Bitmap Format uses a pixel map which contains line by line information. It is a very common format, as it got its start in Windows. This format can cause an image to be super large.
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format GIF is the most popular on the Internet, mainly because of its small file size. It is ideal for small navigational icons and simple diagrams and illustrations where accuracy is required, or graphics with large blocks of a single color. The format is loss-less, meaning it does not get blurry or messy. The 256 color maximum is sometimes tight, and so it has the option to dither, which means create the needed color by mixing two or more available colors. GIF use a simple technique called LZW compression to reduce the file sizes of images by finding repeated patterns, but this compression never degrades the image quality. GIF can also be animated.
Image Algebra A+B (matrix addition) A-B Examples: Matlab program: algebraEx.m Homework: Write a Matlab program that computes a complement image to a given image A