Intel Retiree Organization 2013 Accomplishments Enhanced website and added automatic membership Created addresses for all retirees Supported Intel revamp of retiree section of IRO is now a systemic part of retiree collateral Retirees encouraged to join IRO 7 new discounts added for retirees Executive articles Pearls for Paul Membership grew from 1820 to 2500 37% increase Implemented targeted communications (close loop) process (see backup) New retiree welcome and introduction to website created on website FaceBook is 236 growing and creating good networking and conversations Unsolicited positive feedback First FTF for Intel Retiree Board officers and committee chairs 5/28/2019 Intel Retiree Organization
Intel Retiree Organization Intel Gaps not ready for rollout for retirees Information not complete or accurate Lack of international focus and support TA for GRE, GAR, Israel??? / Site Committee??? How does International work/organize?? Discuss with Devra How do retirees prove that they are Intel retirees? Business Cards or Badges or Letter? Discounts /Benefits Still outstanding discount requests from retirees Business Updates Webcast or External Circuit Portal Intel doesn’t use retirees as an asset: Owner Debbie Need story of IRO and retirees 5/28/2019 Intel Retiree Organization
Intel Retiree Organization Intel Next Steps not ready for rollout for retirees: Owner Judy Tamara asking for status from IT - Identify bottlenecks/define a process that will work the next time If response is not acceptable, escalate to Devra Update IRO website as appropriate Lack of international focus and support: Owners Barb and Cheryl Discuss with Devra to understand the structure of international Define strategy to support international if needed/Cheryl to check with Tamara about status Can IRO structure manage the increase of complexity of international? Do we need to participate in international discounts by creating email addresses? How do retirees prove that they are Intel retirees?: Owner Ben Badges may not be required for discounts but will still help to prove who they are Business Cards or Badges or Letter? Discounts /Benefits: Owner Cheryl Simultaneous rollout to retirees with Intel announcements Still outstanding discount and benefit requests from retirees - be sure to keep this current with requests from mailbox Review updated list with board and then Kevin Business Updates: Owner Barb (Debbie/Judy) Webcast or External Circuit Portal Intel doesn’t use retirees as an asset: Owner Debbie Need story of IRO and retirees (Discuss with Devra) 5/28/2019 Intel Retiree Organization
Intel Retiree Organization IRO Gaps/Next Steps Board and Committee succession planning: Owner Barb Create Strategy: Owner Barb (Debbie/Comm. Team) Recruitment into IRO committee /board/officers participation Review IRO email list to target people to invite to participate: Everyone Create positions and requirements to put on website and use in News Flash Increasing IRO membership: Owner Debbie Analyze how other companies are doing and get their BKMs Raise our visibility in other brochures: Open enrollment guide …../Put a ‘Did You Know’ section at top of News Flash Site committee lack of knowledge of IRO: Owner Barb and Cheryl Create site committee presentation Schedule a pilot with Folsom site committee for May and June Business Cards for retiree to identify them as Intel retirees: Owner Ben Determine results of survey to decide if we will produce card Determine if we can use Intel logo and vendor Setup process for retiree to produce cards Increase number of retiree participation in Intel Involved /United Way: Owner Ben Increase communications: Owner Debbie Work to make the process easier to report hours/Make portal easier to use: Owner Ben Intel doesn’t use retirees as an asset: Owner Debbie Need story of IRO and retirees / publish it in IRO (GPTW) / Intel Involved should be part of story Discuss with Devra/Does Intel want to use the story? Intel Ambassador is employee group only and has been farmed out Use IRO as mentors to potential retirees/in retirement classes Include IRO info. In redeployment/severance/retirement eligible packages as appropriate Include retirees in planning and participation of retiree programs including the 50th Anniversary 5/28/2019 Intel Retiree Organization
Intel Retiree Organization Back Up 5/28/2019 Intel Retiree Organization
IRO/Retiree Targeted Communication Process Intel Corp. announcement or request for retirees Post on website* Monthly News Flash email* Email to site retirees if needed Site Specific Request Retiree questions sent to mailbox* Respond directly to retiree Known Answer Respond to Retiree Document Response Unknown Answer Work with Intel on response Mailbox MonitoredDaily Post on website Write article for website with Intel Common Question? *Will be discussed in detail 5/28/2019 Intel Retiree Organization