Continue… 7. Conjunction - conjunctions are 'joining words' which connect words or groups of words. Eg. and, but, because, if, yet, so. 8. Interjection - a word or group of words that show feeling or sudden emotion. These are our 'actors' that add drama to the expression. An interjection can stand alone and not be considered a sentence fragment. Eg. Hey!, wow, my goodness, darn, stop, whoa.
Let’s Practice…Conjunctions The ball was snapped. The quarterback passed it. We saw the restaurant. It was too crowded. The traffic was heavy. We enjoyed the weekend away.
Conjunctions… Using conjunctions and your own words, complete these sentences. The drivers slammed on their brakes… The plane landed… Everyone saw the fireworks…
Prepositions… They drove ------------the shoreline. Many skiers skied-----------the trees. Hopeful concert goers bought tickets---------the headliner act had cancelled.
Continue…. 4. Lava flowed-----------the desperate village.
Interjection Part of everyday speech…..informal language. 1.--------My exam is finished! 2. -------We have a winner! 3. --------What are you doing? 4. -------We have to be quiet!
Continue…. 5. -----We have to be quiet. 6. ------Her comes trouble! 7.------You win! 8. -------, what if we fake an illness?