Wound Debridement (Advanced) Wound debridement is component of wound care. By doing debridement, dead or infected tissue from a wound will be removed. It helps to allow healthy new tissue to form, filling the wound. Through this course, the healthcare professionals will be able to perform an appropriate wound debridement in the clinical setting. Course objectives Understand the anatomy and physiology of skin, tissues and structure commonly seen in wound debridement Define wound debridement Identify the different types of wound debridement Understand the benefits and risks of wound debridement Understand the indication and contraindication of wound debridement Discuss the policy and procedure related to wound debridement Identify tools used in the wound debridement process Discuss the appropriate documentation in wound debridement Perform a wound debridement Course outline (1 Day): Lecture: Understanding the anatomy and physiology of skin, tissue and structure commonly seen in wound debridement Understand and relate the indications and contraindications of performing a wound debridement Describe the legal implication, professional accountability, policy and procedure related to wound debridement Activities: Case studies and discussion on: Illustrate the tools needed in preparation for a wound debridement Write the documentation post- wound debridement Practical: Demo and Hands on practice / Scenario based skills practice on: Wound debridement technique Training methodology Lectures, group activities, case studies and discussions, practicum demonstration Trainers’ profile Jan Rice is an appointed adjunct lecturer of SLH. She is the current Director of Wound Care Services Pty Ltd based in Melbourne, Australia. She has a Masters in wound care from Monash University. She provides wound consultancy services in the state of Victoria. Jan travels around the world as a guest speaker at several wound conferences per year sharing her expertise on wound management. Jan is also a published author and has written several publications in the National Healthcare Journal. Susie Goh is the Executive Director of St Luke’s Community Wound Centre at St Luke’s Hospital. She is a certified stoma therapist and has obtained a post-graduate diploma in wound healing and tissue repair from the University of Cardiff. Susie also provides wound care consultancy to healthcare organizations and academic institutions. Janet Tan is a Wound Clinician at St Luke’s Hospital. She is experienced in chronic wound management and was trained locally and has a BSc in tissue viability from the UK. She leads the team in planning the wound care courses. Alton, Joe. “Sharp Wound Debridement”. Wound Debridement in Survival. Doom and Bloom Medical. 1999. Retrieved from: https://www.doomandbloom.net/wound-debridement-in-survival/ Singaporeans and PRs only? Funding/expenses Target audience: Registered Nurses Course time: 9-5pm Course dates: Course fee: $674.10 (including GST) Prevailing course fee subsidy at 90% for Singaporeans/PRs and 45% for foreign staff working in eligible community care organisations. Venue: St Luke’s Hospital 2 Bukit Batok Street 11 Singapore 659674 REGISTER https://lms.aic-learn.sg/lms/app/SYS_login.aspx Enquiries 6895 2782, slcwcadmin@stluke.org.sg Day 1 June 2019 15 June 2020 6 www.slh.org.sg fb.com/slhsg giving.sg/slh NSG10-2018