Day 1: Punctuation & Capitalization DGP 9 - Sentence 3 Day 1: Punctuation & Capitalization
my friend alex plays tennis Sentence - Day 1 my friend alex plays tennis Word Bank: Capital letter (2) Period (1)
Compare Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you punctuated and capitalized the sentence the same way.
My friend Alex plays tennis. Correct Answer - Day 1 Capital Letter My friend Alex plays tennis. Period
Don’t we need a comma? Alex is an essential appositive and therefore is not set off by commas. .
What is an Appositive? Appositive – noun or a pronoun that follows and renames another noun or pronoun. My friend Alex plays tennis. By including the name, “Alex,” we learn which friend plays tennis. Note: Appositives are set off with commas only if the information provided is nonessential. We read The Pearl, a novella, in class.
Reflection I learned no comma is needed in this sentence because…
DGP 9 - Sentence 3 Day 2: Parts of Speech
My friend Alex plays tennis. Parts of Speech - Day 2 My friend Alex plays tennis. Word Bank: noun (3) pronoun (1) - type & case verb (1) - type & tense
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you labeled the parts of speech the same way.
My friend Alex plays tennis. Parts of Speech - Day 2 1 poss pron av pres My friend Alex plays tennis. n n N
Rewrite this sentence using an introductory prepositional phrase. Extension Rewrite this sentence using an introductory prepositional phrase. *Remember, introductory phrases are separated by commas! *
Day 3: Sentence Parts & Phrases DGP 9 – Sentence 3 Day 3: Sentence Parts & Phrases
Sentence Parts & Phrases - Day 3 My friend Alex plays tennis. Word Bank: subject (1) appositive (1) direct object (1) verb (1) - transitive or intransitive
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the sentence parts and phrases the same.
Sentence Parts & Phrases - Day 3 My friend Alex plays tennis. vt do app S Complete Subject Complete Predicate
A Direct Object Is a noun or pronoun Follows an action verb Is never in a prepositional phrase To find it, say “subject,” “verb,” “what?” Example: I like English. “I” “like” “what?”– English is the Direct Object
Reflection I learned that a direct object…
Day 4: Clauses & Sentence Types DGP 9 – Sentence 3 Day 4: Clauses & Sentence Types
Clauses & Sentence Types - Day 4 My friend Alex plays tennis. Word Bank: clause (1) - dependent or independent sentence type - simple, compound, complex, compound-complex sentence purpose – declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the clause & sentence type the same way.
[My friend Alex plays tennis.] Clauses & Sentence Types - Day 4 [My friend Alex plays tennis.] ind cl/ss/dec
What type of sentence is your Day 2 extension? Label it in your notes. Reflection What type of sentence is your Day 2 extension? Label it in your notes.
Day 5: Diagramming &/or Quiz DGP 9 – Sentence 3 Day 5: Diagramming &/or Quiz
My friend Alex plays tennis. Sentence Diagram - Day 5 My friend Alex plays tennis. Subj (app) Verb D.O. pron
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you diagrammed the sentence the same way.
My friend Alex plays tennis. Sentence Diagram - Day 5 My friend Alex plays tennis. friend (Alex) plays tennis My
Reflection Answer the following question: Why did the appositive and the subject go on the same line?