Welcome to Steele Creek Curriculum Night! Mrs. Hillard 2017-2018
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures Classroom arrival time is 7:15 am Class starts at 7:45 am Arrival after 7:45 is considered tardy Dismissal is at 2:45 pm Early dismissal will not be granted after 2:00pm due to disruption of regular dismissal procedures. Transportation changes: Please send a written note to teacher. Changes will not be accepted by phone unless it’s an extreme emergency.
Classroom Schedule 7:15-7:45-AM Morning Work/Breakfast in Classroom 7:50 – 8:00 Morning Meeting 8:00-8:50 Readers Workshop 8:50 – 9:35 Special Area Classes 9:35 – 10:20 Word Work 10:20 – 11:00 Guided Reading 11:00-11:25 Lunch Time 11:40 – 12:35 Math 12:35-1:05 Recess 1:05-1:35 Math Workshop 1:35-2:05 Writing 2:05-2:40 Science and Social Studies 2:45: Dismissal
Parent Communication Email – kimberlys.hillard@cms.k12.nc.us Class Weebly - http://mrshillardfirstgrade.weebly.com/ Phone Calls – (980)343-3810 Class Dojo Agenda
Classroom Visitation/Volunteers Visitations must be scheduled in advance with teacher and administration Volunteers must be approved through CMS Volunteer Registry. Visit CMS website (http://www.cms.k12.nc.us) Click on Volunteers and Partners Select CMS Volunteers from the drop down menu Select New Volunteer? Click here to register
Balanced Literacy Word Study Reading Writing - Letterland: phonics lesson introducing grade level phonics - Phonological Awareness lessons Reading A mini-lesson is taught giving reading strategies Students will read independently, with a partner, with a teacher, or read on Raz-kids. Students come in on a level D in First grade and need to be reading on level J or K by the end of the year. Writing Use complete sentences to write simple texts. Focus on basic capitalization and punctuation. Write independently using conventional spelling. We will be writing narratives, opinion pieces, and informational pieces
Math Envisions Number Sense 0-120 Single-digit addition and subtraction Telling time to hour and half hour Non-standard measurement Finding combinations of numbers Solving word problems Collect and display data 2-D and 3-D Geometric shapes
Science & Social Studies Force and Motion Rocks and Soil Plants and Animals Solar System: Moon and Items in the Sky Social Studies Civics and Governance: Rules/Authority Figures Culture: Holidays and Customs Geography: Basic Map Skills History: Communities Changing Over Time Natural Resources Economics: Goods and Services/Supply and Demand
Assessments Literacy Assessments: Math Assessments: --Sight Words (ongoing) --Reading 3D: Oral Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, Nonsense Word Fluency (Fall, Winter, Spring) --MAP Literacy Assessment (Fall, Winter, Spring) --Writing Assessments (quarterly) Math Assessments: --Math Investigation Assessments (ongoing) --DPI Math Assessments from the state (ongoing) --Kathy Richardson Math Assessments (ongoing) --MAP Math Assessment (Fall, Winter, Spring)
Important Benchmark Goals Reading Goals: Beginning of Year - Reading comprehension = D/E reading level Middle of Year - Reading comprehension = G/H reading level - Fluency = 26 words per minute End of Year - Reading comprehension = J/K reading level - Fluency = 47 words per minute
Grading Policies Assignments and Assessments 3 = Performing on Grade-Level 2 = Working Towards Grade-Level Goal 1 = Does Not Meet First Grade Goals First quarter conferences are around the corner in October to discuss your child’s academic progress. Mid-Quarter Progress Reports are sent home in the middle of each quarter. Report Cards are sent home at the end of each quarter.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports
Report Cards
Report Cards
Homework Homework will be sent home each night. Your child should do the following each night: --Read 20 minutes --Complete reading response for each night --Complete math sheet each night front and back Math is due each day and Reading is due each Friday.
School Events Field Trips: Dates TBA Book Fairs-Fall and Spring --Catawba Science Center (In School) - November 1 Estimated $8.00 --Little Red Hen Play: January/February Estimated $12 --Riverbanks Zoo: May - Cost Estimated at $35 Book Fairs-Fall and Spring School Dances-TBA 1 per semester 2 Class Parties: Winter and End of Year Field Day- May Cougarthon - May
Questions? Remember to utilize our school and class website!