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Presentation transcript:

Power & Politics Summary Pack

Power definitions Weber – person or group has power is they have the ability to get what they want despite the opposition of others. Coercion – power via the use of force and violence. People obey because they have no choice. Authority – people obey willingly as it is seen as the right thing to do. Marx’s view – power is held by the rich, property owning, economically dominant class – the bourgeoisie. They use this power to exploit the working class.

Sources of authority Traditional – based on custom or tradition, we obey because it is customary to do so. Example – the Queen, Elder etc. Legal rational – obey because of the position they hold in an organisation . Example – the Prime minster or a head teacher of a school. Charismatic - we obey because we believe the person has extra-ordinary personal qualities which inspire us. Example – religious leaders such as Ghandi or campaigners for democracy such as Nelson Mandela.

Democracy Democracy – government by the people Based on legal rational authority Direct democracy – citizens in a country take part directly in the decision making process – referendum BUT takes too long to get things done! Indirect democracy – we elect representatives to make decisions on our behalf . We elect MPs who represent us in parliament

Citizenship Being a member of a state - we are UK citizen All citizens have full legal rights – vote in elections and to be treated equally With those rights, come Responsibilities – respect the law, pay taxes Citizenship can also be about active involvement in public life voting, joining a pressure group, being interested in current affairs. Citizenship education – learning how to become an informed citizen – rights and responsibilities and what it means to be British.

What is the state? Central part of the political process Institutions who regulate society by making, implementing and enforcing laws. Parliament – legislative power – makes the law Civil service – executive power – implements policy, advises government but does not become involved in political debate – stay neutral The courts - judicial power – enforce the law along side the police

Pluralist & Conflict views of the state A range of competing groups exist in society Power is shared between these groups No one group dominates The state acts as referee and regulates the different interests and serves the needs of all citizens Those in power come from a narrow social and economic background Power concentrated in the hands of the few The state’s role is to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie Their economic dominance gives them political power and state policies are designed to benefit them.

Political participation Narrow definition – voting in elections Broader definition – getting involved in public life – unions, residents associations, campaign to save our school! How has it changed…past 50 years Decline in turn out in general elections Decline in membership of political parties People do not have as strong attachment to one political party over a long time Why? – Power Commission- 2006 Do not want to be involved – time, money, interest Feel that the political institutions are untrustworthy Feel like their views are not influential enough

Voting Turnout in general elections is falling – why? Can social factors (age, gender, class, ethnicity) help us to understand this? Why do some people not vote in elections? Parties look too similar – no real choice between them Mistrust all politicians! Less motivated to get involved in politics – other things filling their time? They already know what the outcome will be (specifically in ‘safe seats’) – why bother voting? Satisfied with the current situation?

Voting – class, gender, age Social class since 1945 Up until 1970s class important influence on the way people voted. Voting for a party (Labour or Conservative) depended on occupation. Past 35 years – social class structure has changed – traditional working class in decline. On one hand….social class no longer important Class dealignmnet – people no longer voting along traditional class lines Kavanagh and Butler 2005 – class voting weaker than ever in 2005 election as Labour able to gain more middle-class voters

Voting – class, gender, age On the other hand… Class is still important In 2005 the working and lower middle-class was still more likely to vote Labour Rowe 2005 – link between voting and social class still strong Age and gender Traditionally – young people more likely to vote Labour and older people more inclined to vote Conservative In 1997 election the Labour party had the majority in all age groups apart from the over 65s Since 1940s women more likely to vote conservative than men but evidence show that this traditional gender gap has reversed in recent elections Norris and Wiezien 2005 and now women are more likely to vote labour

Pressure groups Uses ‘power’ to: People who share a common interest or concern Operate locally, nationally or globally Uses ‘power’ to: Get views publicised Influence decisions taken by local or national governments Influence public policy by getting its ideas adopted Protective – protect of defend members common interest E.g. a trade union Promotional – promote a cause and bring it to the attention of the general public through campaigning

Insider/outsider Insider – operate inside government networks and are consulted by government departments as they may possess information or expertise – e.g The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) In a very strong position to influence policy! Outsider – not consulted automatically because their aims and methods might not be accepted by the government Whilst trade union and political party membership has been in decline – membership of pressure groups has been on the rise on recent years.

Party or pressure group? A political party seek to win electoral power, form a government and run the country Political parties have ideas on a wide range of issues – education, economy, foreign policy Pressure groups do not seek to be elected or form a government Pressure groups usually focus on a single issue or a set of related issues

Pressure group tactics Insider – campaigns, stunts, events are legal Tactics – insider groups: Petition MPs Sponsor a political party financially – trade unions Undertake research and provide decision makers with information Contact media - advertise in press Using celebrity endorsement Industrial action

Pressure group tactics Outsider – more radical campaigns and some may lead to arrest in more extreme cases! Outsider group action: Direct action- protest Marches Boycotts of a firms products Stunts Blockades Destruction of property Violence against individuals

Pressure group success? Chances of being successful – several factors: Insider or outsider status Resources of the group – finance, staff Size of membership Issue – can they get the support of the general public Tactics used and how far the general public agree with the tactics they use So are all pressure groups equal ? Would some argue that it is just another way of the rich and powerful gaining influence and control?

Pluralist and Conflict view Range of views exist in society Pressure groups crucial to a democracy and they help different views to influence the decision making process Pressure groups allow citizens to participate Help governments to keep in touch with public opinion Pressure groups often contain experts in their field Society is based on conflicting interests Some groups have more power and they are able to dominate decision making Key groups such as big business are able to have more influence due to their level of financial resources Decisions made in the interest of these powerful groups

Volunteering Citizenship participation – contribution to the local community Formal and informal: Formal – unpaid help given to organisations – Scouts Informal – unpaid helps that a person gives to someone who is not a relative – childcare 2005 citizenship survey 44% of population volunteered formally and 68% volunteered informally

Barriers to political participation Lack of time Lack of money Work and family commitments and personal circumstances Access to transports Lack of information or education on an issue Employment status Educational level Income Socialization –some people are socialized into being more politically active

Welfare State State takes responsibility for protecting the health and welfare of its citizens, particularly dealing with: Want Disease Ignorance Squalor Idleness - Plan to provide from the cradle to the grave. - 1945 Labour government – implemented many of the recommendations of the report – NHS, free education, benefits etc.

Welfare State Today NHS – health care – paid for via taxation National insurance benefits – Job seekers allowance and pensions – based on your national insurance contributions Non- contributory benefits – designed for those who have not paid in enough NI contributions – Income support. Working tax credits Local benefits – paid by local councils – free school meals, school clothing grants and social services

Views of the Welfare State Labour Party View Important in society Give help to those who need it Invest heavily in NHS Key aims to tackle child poverty, helping people back to work and cutting unemployment claims amongst young people Conservative party view The benefits system lets people choose a life on benefit rather than work – creation of a dependency culture and deliberate avoidance of work This is a waste of the country’s resources and leads to low aspirations Cut benefits for those who will not seek employment

Governments and Poverty Poverty remains a social problem today A major concern for policy makers but there are disagreements about what should be done to tackle poverty State benefits – means tested Advantages – makes sure that the resources are targeted at those most in need Disadvantages – people may not claim as process too complicated or intrusive Benefits can label and stigmatise people Means tested benefits may trap people in poverty as any increase in income make reduce benefits and they may be worse off May discourage people from saving

Governments and Poverty Universal benefits – everyone receives this type of benefit Less likely to label or stigmatise National minimum wage; helped to reduce poverty? Introduced 1999 Not reduced poverty 2006 half of children living in poverty lived in a household where at least one adult was working Critics of government action The level of benefit is too low to meet people’s basic needs

Government and Unemployment Official measures – all those over 16 who do not have a job, want to work and are available to start work in the next two weeks and have been seeking a job for at least 4 weeks. The unemployment rates change over time and unemployment is seen as a social problem for people and communities. Unemployment has been correlated with: Experience low self-esteem Poor health Children underachieve in education Victim of crime Family breakdown

Government and Unemployment Government action - Welfare to work policies. These are designed to: Increase job opportunities through job creation and work experience schemes Improve claimants skills through educational initiatives Give claimants more financial incentives by increasing benefit

Government and discrimination Discrimination happens when people are treated differently and less favourably due to age, gender or ethnicity. one way that governments have tried to tackle this is through laws: Equal pay 1970 Sex discrimination act 1975 Race relations act 1976 Civil partnership act 2004 Disability discrimination act 2005 Victimisation is when a person complains about discrimination

Aging population Older people have been a major focus of social policy since the early 20th century Walker and Maltby 2008 identify policy issues affecting older people today Age discrimination in the labour market – employers may believe that older people can not adapt to new technology The Employment Equality Act 2006 – regulations against age discrimination in employment and training but employers can still enforce a retirement age of 65. Some argue that state pensions are not adequate and should be improved – 20% of pensioners live in poverty.

Power Relationships Main areas Parents and children Students and teachers Employers and employees Public and the police Think about….what is the base of their authority? Parents exercise authority when they constrain or influence their children’s behaviour Teachers exercise authority based on their position within the school’s structure

Power Relationships The police operates as an agency of formal social control on behalf of the state and is responsible for enforcing the law. They have legal rational authority due to the position they hold in the police force. They have the power to stop and search, arrest and detain people and their actions are governed by codes of practice.