PATHOGENS Micro- organisms which cause diseases in other organisms are known as pathogens Bacteria, fungi and viruses are micro-organisms which cause diseases in both animals and plants. Diseases caused by pathogen are labeled infectious as it can be easily spread.
Diseases caused by bacteria in humans Tuberculosis- a respiratory disease Bacterial meningitis- affects the brain Typhoid fever- affects the stomach and entire body Urinary infections Diarrhea Cholera – affects the entire body Syphilis – affects the entire body Gonorrhea – affects the sexual organs
Diseases caused by fungi Ring worm – affects the skin Fungal meningitis – affects the brain Thrush (oral candidasis) – rash in the mouth Athletes foot- affects the feet
Diseases caused by viruses in man HIV/AIDS – affects the immune system of the body Yellow fever – affects the entire body Common cold – affects the entire body Rabies – affect the brain Small pox – affects the skin and entire body Chicken pox – affects the skin and the entire body Measles – affects the skin and the entire body
How are pathogenic diseases spread
Transmission of pathogens Pathogens can be transmitted by Droplet – sneezing, coughing (Tuberculosis ) Air and water – rain, contaminated air and water (cholera) Ingestion of contaminated food (diarrhea) Direct contact – touching (ringworm), exchange of blood or bodily fluid, sexual intercourse (HIV/AIDS) Indirect contact – being in the same room or touching something that an infected person touched previously. (common cold) Vectors – organisms that carry the micro- organisms, eg dogs (rabies)
Preventing the spread of pathogens Wash hands after using the washroom and before eating Ensure food is stored properly Proper hygiene Do not engage in any activity where bodily fluids are exchanged without taking the necessary precautions Cover mouths when sneezing or coughing Stay away from infected persons Sanitize areas of interest
Summary Micro- organisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause diseases are know as pathogens There are many different types of diseases caused by pathogens Pathogens can be spread easily and are known as infectious diseases The transmission of pathogens can be prevented with proper hygiene and other practices.
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