Understanding how the party starts... The Roaring Twenties Understanding how the party starts...
29th President - Warren G Harding (1921-1923) “Return to Normalcy” No more progressivism or international relations Raised taxes on international goods Reduced world naval power Lots of scandals Died of a heart attack while in office
30th President Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) “The Man Who Builds A Factory, Builds a Temple.” Supported Laissez-Faire business Supported American isolationism Supported Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) Signed with 62 other nations Renounced war in principle Ultimately meaningless and unenforceable but sounded nice
Nativism Nativism – Opposition to immigration and basically anyone non-Protestant Some Americans did not like the amount of foreign languages spoken Some were still feeling the effects of WWI, a European conflict Immigrants were associated with drunkenness and anarchy Immigrants would take jobs from Americans Ku Klux Klan reemerged
Trial of Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti Italian immigrants and admitted anarchists Accused of murder in 1920 Evidence was circumstantial and not necessarily enough for conviction Judge was hostile, American feelings were anti-immigrant, both were found guilty and executed
Scopes Trial John Scopes – Tennessee teacher who taught evolution Major trial that saw fundamentalist Christians fight against modern science Scopes loses the trial but evolution gains acceptance