Definite and Indefinite Articles Spanish One ch.1B
The indefinite article: A, an, some: un / una / unos / unas The indefinite article is a RESTRICTIVE adjective. The indefinite article is typically used in Spanish when it is used in English.
Indefinite Articles When talking about any one will do. a pencil un lápiz a student un/una estudiante a book un libro a boy un chico some girls unas chicas some desks unos pupitres
EXAMPLES: Paco has a piece of paper. Paco tiene una hoja de papel. Marta is a good friend. Marta es una buena amiga. I need some vocabulary cards. Yo necesito unas tarjetas de vocabulario.
The definite article: The: el / la / los / las The definite article is a RESTRICTIVE adjective. The definite article is used more in Spanish than in English.
Definite Articles When talking about a specific or DEFINITE one. the pencil el lápiz the student el/la estudiante the book el libro the boy el chico the girls las chicas the desks los pupitres
When you must use the definite article in Spanish but you don’t see it in English: With general usage nouns ie...Me gustan los libros. ie...I like books.
When you must use the definite article in Spanish but you don’t see it in English: 2. With titles when you are talking about someone. ie...El Sr. Ruiz es alto. ie...Mr. Ruiz is tall.
When you must use the definite article in Spanish but you don’t see it in English: 3. To say on with a day of the week. ie...Yo estudio los lunes. ie...I study on Mondays.
When you must use the definite article in Spanish but you don’t see it in English: 4. To express the …family. ie... los Shellman ie...the Shellman family or the Shellmans.
EXAMPLES: Mr. Gonzalez is in the house. El Sr. Gonzalez está en la casa. I like potato chips a lot. Me gustan mucho las papitas. I do my vocabulary cards on Friday. Hago mis tarjetas de vocbulario el viernes.