Unsolved Mysteries A Research Project
The Assignment For this project, you will create an annotated bibliography, detailing articles that explain the mystery you chose. It will be your job to find the articles, read them, and write short summaries and reflections.
How to Make an Annotated Bibliography
What is it? An annotated bibliography is a list of sources one has used for researching a topic. This is different from a typical bibliography or works cited page because the annotated bib includes both citations, as well as a written summaries and evaluations.
3 Part Structure For each article you read, you will create an entry that includes three parts: 1. The MLA citation (5pts.) 2. A summary of the article (7 pts.) 3. Your evaluation and reflection (8pts.)
Part 1: The Citation The citation for each source must be in MLA format. You will need the following information: a. Author’s name b. Title of Article c. Title of Website d. Publisher e. Date of Publication or last Revision f. Date of access
Part 2: Summary In your summary paragraph, your writing should answer the following questions: What is the point of the article? What facts are uncovered? What are the main theories presented? If someone asked what this article is about, what would you say?
Part 3: Evaluate and Reflect In this paragraph, your writing should focus on the following questions: * What is your personal reaction? * Did you agree with the theory presented based on the facts presented? * What facts were presented that convinced you or would have convinced you (if you are unconvinced)?
What should it look like? Your Name Teacher’s Name Class Date Annotated Bibliography McGeary, Johanna. “Africa Rising.” Time Canada. MAS Ultra – School Edition. 30 Mar 1998. Web. Accessed on 20 May 2006. This paragraph should summarize the article you read. It should tell the main points of the article. Your summary should be brief but it should give enough detail about what you learned from reading the article. The article cited above discusses how many Africans in the country of Mali are taking on a more self-reliant attitude and wanting more of their population to be educated. In order for that to happen, more schools need to be built in their country. Only 46.5% of children in Mali attend primary school. Their literacy rate has increased from 19% to 32%, but 32% is still really low. This paragraph should evaluate the article you read and explain your personal thoughts about it. This is your chance to offer your opinion – either positive or negative about the information you read. You may also want to consider how reliable the information and whether or not it’s believable. The article cited above supports my opinion because they need help with building more schools just like the country of Grimshaw. America could help to get more of their population educated.
Helpful Hints and Reminders 1. Use a website like www. easybib Helpful Hints and Reminders 1. Use a website like www.easybib.com or citationmachine.net to help with your citations. 2. Alphabetize your sources by the Author’s last name. Don’t just list them in the order you read them. 3. Double check your heading, margins, spacing, etc. to make sure they are in MLA format.
Getting Started 1. Consider your individual research questions Getting Started 1. Consider your individual research questions. For example: What is the core of the mystery? Who committed the murder? What was the motive? What is the truth behind UFO abductions? 2. Use the internet (or actual books, magazines, or newspapers) to find 5 articles about your mystery. Remember to have a wide variety of sources and nothing with the letters “Wiki” in them.
What’s Next? 3. Read! 4. When you finish reading your first article, create a citation (use easybib.com) 5. Write a summary (one paragraph) 6. Write your evaluation / reflection (one paragraph) 7. Repeat with articles #2 – 4. 8. Double check MLA and Proofread
The Presentation After you have finished your annotated bibliography, begin the presentation. In this way, you will already have a well-rounded knowledge of your subject matter. The purpose of the presentation is to inform us, your audience. Present your mystery, the theories surrounding it, and finally your opinion on it. Be sure to have plenty of pictures, graphs, even videos to help us understand.
All Annotated Bib Rough Drafts are DUE March 1.