January 28th -Scholastic Book Orders Due Mrs. Ostendorf: 532-1883 Mrs. Gillam: 532-1884 Mrs. Delph: 532-1885 Mrs. Dunlap: 532-1886 2nd Grade News January 24th –28th Attendance Our classes are working hard to achieve 10 days in a row of perfect attendance. Each day that all students are in class, that class earns a letter towards the spelling of “ATTENDANCE”. When the word gets spelled, that class gets to wear jeans! Please do your part and make sure your child is here every day possible! They miss out on so much when they are absent. 3 Week Standards Language: 2.4.6 Review, evaluate, and revise writing for meaning and clarity. 2.4.7 Proofread one’s own writing, as well as that of others, using an editing checklist or list of rules. 2.4.8 Revise original drafts to improve sequence or to provide more descriptive detail. 2.5.6 Write for a different purpose and to a specific audience or person. 2.1.10 Identify simple multiple meaning words. 2.2.9 Use context to understand word and sentence meanings. 2.6.9 Spell correctly words with r-controlled vowels. Math: 2.1.8 Recognize fractions as parts of a whole or parts of a group. 2.1.9 Recognize, name, and compare the unit of fractions: ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12. 2.1.10 Know that when all fractional parts are included, the result is equal to the whole and to one. Book in a Bag On Monday and Wednesday nights your child should read a book of choice and record their thinking on the provided page. On Tuesday and Thursday your child should read the passage provided and respond to the questions at the bottom of the page. Please continue to initial the box on Monday and Wednesday! Homework Please make sure your child is completing his/her homework and reading log every night. It is expected that a parent or adult initial the reading log page every night to ensure that the reading has been done. We do have monthly homework parties, and if your child did not complete homework or have a parent signature your child will miss out. Dates to Remember January 28th -Scholastic Book Orders Due www.lpsecondgrade.weebly.com
Week of January 24th HOMEWORK part start park farm dark sort storm short for horse Review Words scream stripe Challenge Words area money piece HOMEWORK Monday: page 1 and spelling page 61 Tuesday: page 2 and spelling page 62 Wednesday: page 3 and spelling page 63 Thursday: page 4 and spelling page 64 *Read book in a bag EVERY night!*