Challenging Process Amalgamating Township of Collingwood Zoning Bylaw (83-40) and Town of Thornbury Zoning Bylaw (10-77) Many amendments along the way that need to be considered Commend staff and consulting team for work to date The NEW Bylaw needs to provide direction beyond a snap shot in time (not just a consolidation)
Why are you here Andrew? I want us to get the Zoning Bylaw right (35+ years old) Don’t want it to be rushed through Many concerned colleagues/clients/property owners Request a second public meeting Consider more substantial pre-zoning and/or waive the 2 year Moratorium Describe some site specific examples
Representation Georgian Triangle Development Institute Tyrolean Village Resorts, Ibrans Ltd., Georgian Bay Club, Lora Bay Club, Georgian Peaks, Solcorp Developments, Artisan, Slopeside Developments Inc. A number of individual property owners
Projected Timing September 17 - Committee of the Whole - review comment matrix and provide direction to staff Committee of the Whole October 1 – text and schedules will be finalized so that COW can decide on whether to move ahead or wait until the next Council Unsure when updated text and schedules will be available for review?? October 9 – potential for Council decision (3 weeks away)
Projected Timing September 17 - Committee of the Whole - review comment matrix and provide direction to staff Committee of the Whole October 1 – text and schedules will be finalized so that COW can decide on whether to move ahead or wait until the next Council Unsure when updated text and schedules will be available for review?? October 9 – potential for Council decision (3 weeks away)
Second Public Meeting April 2018 – Draft Text and online mapping released June 25 - Public Meeting (2.5 months to review) Comment Matrix released August 23 and updated again last week There should be ample time for stakeholders to review the translation of the matrix to the written text and new mapping A second public meeting should be held or at a minimum an additional round of comments on the updated text (allow new planning director to review?) October 9 – potential for Council decision (3 weeks away) unsure when text and schedules will be available
Waving 2 Year Moratorium VS. Pre-Zoning Bill 73 places a 2 year moratorium on private ZBLA’s and MV’s Zoning Bylaw Amendments can take time, cost money, and bog down the system Myself and many others are currently in the process of preparing submissions to the Town that will include amendments to the current bylaw Take a comprehensive/proactive approach and PRE-ZONE where it is reasonable Prezoning has already occurred in the downtown area for future commercial uses (Why commercial and not residential?) If detailed pre-zoning is not considered then a Moratorium is essential
Development (D) Zone In both the existing Township of Collingwood and Town of Thornbury Zoning Bylaws one single detached residential home is a permitted use Staff are recommending removing this is a permitted use Concerned that there will be a rush for building permits for single family homes The intent is to protect future development lands, but that can be done by placing a Hold Symbol on the properties and require a site plan prior to a building permit being issued If approved some clients will not be able to build a home nor proceed with development plans (severely restricting their lands)
Example 1 – Pre-Zone (Macro-level)
Example 2 – Pre-Zone (Macro-level)
Example 3 – (Micro-level)
Requests Provide adequate time to review the updated text and mapping (once it is available) Hold a second public meeting once the text and mapping are updated Consider some additional Pre-Zoning VS. 2 year Moratorium