9th Grade Week 9 Agenda & Obj. 10/28-11/1 Monday: Movie Compare & contrast movie & novel Tuesday: Paraphrasing Writing Practice Wednesday - Thursday: Vocab & Novel Study Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text… connotative… Analyze how complex characters… develop… Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… By the end of Gr.9, read and comprehend literature… Friday: Creative Engineering Design process and activity for creative engineering
"Judge a man by his questions, not his answers." --Voltaire DW: Questions 10/28/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “He who asks questions is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask questions is a fool forever." --Chinese Proverb "Judge a man by his questions, not his answers." --Voltaire Planner Paraphrase work due tomorrow. Part of the assignment is to bring the original text!
Homework due tomorrow: Monday: Novel study Homework due tomorrow: Paraphrase something difficult from another class (History, Science, something in the news). MAKE SURE TO BRING THE SECTION OF THE BOOK YOU PARAPHRASED TO CLASS. Journal title: Paraphrased Lesson on [Topic] Show me your student guide questions. Student teacher? Go through context clues quiz. Notebook title: Chapter 10-11 Vocab Write the word and definition, use it in a sentence and either draw a picture or explain how you would act it out.
Monday: Novel study & Movie Notebook title: TKMB Movie Part 1 Take notes on what’s happening. Compare & contrast the novel to the movie. LOTS of scenes/details taken out – see how many you can identify!
Daily Writing: Harper Lee 10/29/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird “Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird Planner Memorize vocab chapter 10-11 for quiz tmrw Paraphrase work if not done. Bring pictures (at least 4) that symbolize your personality on Thursday.
Tuesday: Paraphrasing Show me your Journal title: Paraphrased Lesson on [Topic] and the original and vocab 10-11. For Thursday: Search through newspapers, magazines, or even photo albums at home. Find pictures or items that symbolize aspects of your personality. At least 4! If you aren’t prepared for Thursday, instead of participating in the activity, you’ll be writing an essay on a related prompt.
Tuesday: Paraphrasing Share your paraphrased lesson to a peer and get their feedback. Are enough words changed? Is the format changed? Did you cite your work? 20 mins: Work on paraphrase worksheet. Use the document camera to show student work and revise as a class. Hand in your work before you leave!
Daily Writing: J.K. Rowling 10/30/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve.” ~J. K. Rowling “Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.” ~J. K. Rowling Planner Due tomorrow: Racism article work Bring pictures (at least 4) that symbolize your personality
Wednesday: Vocab & Reading Hand in your paraphrase work. Quiz + vocab 10-11 to add points & context clues quiz Chapter 12-14. When you’re done with the quiz: Work on racism article/worksheet Due tomorrow what you don’t get done in class. Also remember your 4 pictures that symbolize different aspects of your personality! If time, popcorn read and work on the study guide questions chapter 12-14. Notebook title: TKMB 12-14 ?s
Daily Writing: Halloween 10/31/13 Use your five senses and rainstorm a list of all the Halloween sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings you can think of. Then, start a story using these senses. Planner Due tomorrow: The Theme of Prejudice Due Monday: Read & ?s for chapt 12-14
Let me see your pictures & hand in your racism worksheet. Thursday: Prejudice Let me see your pictures & hand in your racism worksheet. Go over quiz from yesterday. Notebook title: TKMB Vocab 12-14 Write the word and the definition and write it in a sent. Memorize for quiz early next week! Popcorn read & work on ?s chapter 12-14 (Due Monday). Move on to prejudice…
Brainstorm: Prejudice What does this word mean? Thursday: Prejudice Brainstorm: Prejudice What does this word mean? What is prejudice in society? In school? In TKMB? Why does prejudice occur? Brainstorm: Inner vs. Outer Qualities What are they? Why is it important to be aware of both aspects of a person?
If you don’t have pictures: Thursday: Prejudice If you don’t have pictures: Write a 5 paragraph essay on how to be successful in High School due by the end of the period. Also fill out the Theme of Prejudice worksheet by tomorrow. Separate your pictures into two piles: Inward personality Outward personality Create your collage. You will be graded on neatness and creativity. Make sure your name is somewhere on your collage and that you label your inward and outward self. Work on Theme of Prejudice worksheet. Due tomorrow what you don’t get done in class.
Daily Writing: Shelley 11/1/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void, but out of chaos.” ~Mary Shelley “It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world.” ~ Mary Shelley Planner Due Monday: Read & ?s for chapt 12-14
Is that how you want to be viewed? Why or why not? Friday: Prejudice Hand in your Prejudice worksheet. Discuss at your tables. Present yourself! 5 pts. You will receive a point off each time you snicker or aren’t focused on the speaker. Journal title: Inside vs. Outside Self How do you think other’s (peers, strangers, non-family adults) view you? Is that how you want to be viewed? Why or why not? What can you do to keep an open mind and avoid judging solely on outside appearances? Silently read and work on study guide questions.
Hot Seat Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: “What would you do if you won the lottery?” “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” Questions can be funny, too, such as: “What was your most embarrassing moment?” “What was your proudest moment?” “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”