Welcome to Science (3/3) Please have a seat and take out the Following: An OGOS Book (Page D-36) Your The First Geneticists W.S. Today’s Objective: Continue to take a look a the observations and evidence that lead to the discoveries and scientific theories of Gregor Mendel and Reginald Punnett. Due Dates: Woodland Park Zoo Field Trip Permission Slip to you HOMEROOM TEACHER by Mon. March 6th The First Geneticists W.S. due Tues. March 7th
Order of Activities: Work through pages D-39 to D-42 to teach or learn how to use a Punnett Square and then complete The First Geneticists W.S. (all of the pages). Come up and get a Gregor Mendel and Reginald Punnett Super Scientist Card and record a few “statistics” facts about the scientists on the back. Watch Genetics related BrainPOP Videos (online) or SciShow Videos (in the network folder). Pathway to the SciShow Videos: -Computer -Students -Abraham -Life Science Class -Genetics -Genetics Videos