Understanding the media: Television crime drama Monday 10th October 2011 Understanding the media: Television crime drama LO: Be able to recognise a difference between an A-D piece of coursework. LO2: Be able to make links with the different crime programmes you have watched.
Starter activity: Carousel marking On each table in the coloured folder are examples of different graded coursework. You have been given a table to fill in as you go around, telling me what grade the coursework is and why your have given it that grade. A-E The coursework is for the second CAT- music promotion. You are focusing on A01, A02 and A03. LO: Be able to recognise a difference between an A-D piece of coursework. LO2: Be able to make links with the different crime programmes you have watched.
Coursework number Grade Why 1 A 2 C/B 3 E 4 5 D 6 B Demonstrates independence and flair. Production is creative and confident in working with chosen medium. 2 C/B Production id appropriate and has some impact in working with chosen medium. Knowledgeable, demonstrating engagement with the course material. 3 E Inadequate in terms of range and depth of understanding, Production is recognisable and sometimes works with chosen medium. 4 Material is well organised, accurate and skilfully tailored to meet the needs of the audience. 5 D Basic in terms of range and depth of understanding. Some attempt is made to meet the needs of the audience. 6 B Knowledgeable, demonstrating engagement with course material, Successful and imaginative. LO: Be able to recognise a difference between an A-E piece of coursework. LO2: Be able to make links with the different crime programmes you have watched.
TV crime drama Today, we are going to carry on watching spooks. Write down the below questions and answer them as you go along. Be prepared to answer the questions at any time. What types of characters do we see in this series? How are they similar or different to characters in the other study programmes? The programme is set in London, what effect does this have on the programme? What is the tone and pace of Spooks? What type of storyline is it and what crimes are being solved? Is this similar or different to what we have already seen? LO: Be able to recognise a difference between an A-E piece of coursework. LO2: Be able to make links with the different crime programmes you have watched.
Homework- Moving image CAT For your homework you must complete the research and planning for your moving image CAT. You have a list of what needs to be completed, discuss in your groups elements that you can share and what still needs completing. Do not worry about uploading this onto weebly yet. Make sure they are saved in word documents and we can upload them onto weebly at a later date.