Black Paper White Charcoal
Chiaroscuro and Tenebrism Chiaroscuro, coming from the Italian for "light/dark" or French for "clair-obscur," is a technique in which an artist intentionally uses a strong contrast of light and dark to create the dramatic illusion of three-dimensional form. A single directional light source shining on the main subject creates highlights and shadows, giving it a feeling of solidity and psychological intensity, and also creating a focal point
Chiaroscuro and Tenebrism Tenebrism, stemming from the Italian word "tenebroso" meaning dark or murky, is an extreme use of chiaroscuro in figurative compositions, such that the contrasts between light and dark are heightened, dark shadows are used to obscure parts of the composition, and figural forms are emerging from a background of deep shadows and intense, completely black, darkness. There is usually a single light source illuminating a figure in what is overall a very dark painting. It is as though there is a spotlight on the subject. This contrast serves to emphasize the lighter area and the effect is highly dramatic.
Chiaroscuro and Tenebrism
White Charcoal on Black Paper Using white charcoal on black paper means you will be doing your drawing in reverse. You will essentially be “shading” in the light areas and leaving the dark areas alone. Remember you are not reversing the values. Black areas stay black and white areas are still white but the way you apply the pencil to the paper is what will change. Do not draw white outlines.
White Charcoal on Black Paper Use TENEBRISM to give your subject solidity and mass, profound psychological depth, and great drama.
Practice a small sphere on a scrap piece of black paper with the white charcoal to get the hang of it before you begin your project. Then practice the photo of the mannequin as well. You must use a photo that you took yourself for this project. Set up a small still life or take a picture of a friend or use a self portrait. Or use an object that has meaning or has sentimental value to you. Take the photos in a mostly dark room using a single light source like a flashlight, candle, or computer screen. It’s chiaroscuro! And use props like holding a skull or untied shoelaces, a chain and lock wrapped around wrists etc. BE CREATIVE WITH YOUR PHOTOS!
Student Examples