Digital Library Services for Teaching and Learning Holly Devaul Digital Learning Sciences University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
2 Topics Digital Libraries: Overview DLESE NSDL Extended Digital Library Contexts NSDL Science Literacy Maps DLESE Teaching Boxes Content Customization Services
Diverse Resources Available via the Internet Online Exhibits from the Exploratorium Teachers Guides from PBS Digital Demonstrations from the Journal of Chemical Education Publications from AAAS Ask Dr. Math Data Sets from USGS Interactive Simulations from Universities
4 Reliance on the Internet: pros and cons + Access to up-to-date materials compared to print + Visualizations, simulations, data explorations offer interactivity and alternative learning approaches + Access at school and home - Attribution often lacking or unknown - No consistent review filter +/ - Broad range of content + lots of STUFF -narrowing search difficult
5 Why a digital library? Provide efficient discovery of quality materials Efficient = easy to find resources using search techniques Quality = selection criteria for resources Provide safe environments and boundaries on the web Special collections and services Teaching tips and reviews Ed. Standards information
6 How digital libraries work Digital libraries hold metadata records, and sometimes primary content Have a defined scope of content, intended audience Metadata describes the resource content, the intended user audience, resource type and other characteristics Search over metadata and/or primary content to retrieve information about and links to relevant resources
7 Digital libraries at UCAR Digital Library for Earth System Education National Science Digital Library Free access to on-line educational resources Development funded by the National Science Foundation
8 Topics Digital Libraries: Overview DLESE NSDL Extended DL Contexts NSDL Science Literacy Maps DLESE Teaching Boxes Content Customization Services
9 Digital Library for Earth System Education Earth system science Ocean sciences Atmospheric sciences Geology Biology, ecology, environmental Space, math and geography Types of resources Lesson plans, activities Data, visualizations Tools and interfaces Instructor guides
10 How resources get into DLESE Suggestions from users of 13,000 resources Organizations with many resources create a collection and apply for accessioning as a distinct collection
11 You can search several ways…. by entering keywords… Search for water quality
12 Keyword-only searching returns 833 resources about water quality Descriptive info and links to each resource are displayed
13 Refine your search: add grade level and resource type to your criteria Middle and high school Field activity
14 Use resource type to align search with inquiry-focused learning goals To support inquiry-focused activities consider: Classroom activity Computer activity Field activity Case study Virtual field trip Tutorial Data
15 Fewer, more targeted results
16 View the full description of the resource
17 Access the resource itself
18 Tools for evaluating resource quality and other supporting information
19 Educational standards information Subset of resources cataloged to National standards Research in aligning to state standards
20 Topics Digital Libraries: Overview DLESE NSDL Extended DL Contexts NSDL Science Literacy Maps DLESE Teaching Boxes Content Customization Services
The National Science Digital Library
NSDL Overview Scope: Education at all levels (K12, Higher Ed, Lifelong Learning, Research) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 2 million resources 11 thematic pathways and many contributors Structure: Distributed collections integrated into a single library Funding: The National Science Foundation
NSDL search interface and full description
NSDL Pathways
25 Topics Digital Libraries: Overview DLESE NSDL Extended DL Contexts NSDL Science Literacy Maps DLESE Teaching Boxes Content Customization Services
NSDL Science Literacy Maps Placing the AAAS Atlas of Science Literacy on-line
27 Science Literacy Maps Allow You To: Explore the relationships and interconnections between important STEM concepts and learning goals Locate resources and other curriculum components supporting specific concepts and learning goals Enhance science content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge (educators), and prepare for learning (learners) Design coherent instructional materials supporting recognized learning goals and informed by research on student learning
Map Selector Choose topics Select maps
Interactive Map Browser and Information Bubble Benchmark details NSES standards NSDL resources Map navigator Related benchmarks
30 Topics Digital Libraries: Overview DLESE NSDL Extended DL Contexts NSDL Science Literacy Maps DLESE Teaching Boxes Content Customization Services
31 Moving beyond resource discovery- DLESE Teaching Boxes Support for resource selection, use and sequencing Weaving resources together to develop an inquiry-focused Earth system approach to teaching and learning Provide guidance for use, but with customization capability to modify for specific learning environments
32 A collaborative project to create classroom ready instructional units using DLESE resources Teams of teachers, science advisors, instructional designers, facilitators DLESE Teaching Boxes
33 Design process supports teacher professional development Development uses a team approach to ensure the product is sound in both science content and pedagogy
34 Each box is developed around a set of interconnected concepts that incorporates national and state science standards. First step - conceptual framework scopes learning goals of Box
35 Approach- Emphasis on process of science, evidence, guided inquiry Evidence for Plate Tectonics: fossils earthquakes volcanoes
36 Examine DLESE resources within a pedagogical context Teacher developers provide the glue Support for adaptation and adoption Earth system science resources in context
37 Overview
38 Lesson
39 Activity
40 Topics Digital Libraries: Overview DLESE NSDL Extended DL Contexts NSDL Science Literacy Maps DLESE Teaching Boxes Content Customization Services
41 Web Search Service Embeds the DLESE search engine into your school, library or course website Expands access to materials to support curriculum development, student research Customized search criteria by grade level, topic, even resource origin by domain (NASA and NOAA) Content customization services DLESE search query and results embedded into your sites look and feel
42 Examples and code 1/full_example.htmlhttp:// 1/full_example.html
43 Perform textual searchReturn resources by subject Display the resultsPage through the results Limit the domain to the ocean sciences and boost Florida-related resources automatically View expanded metadata Search service is used to…
45 IPY search page
46 How do I get started? DLESEs Search Services are free and open to the public Information at: Link to Tutorial us at
47 Summary – digital libraries services and supports Provide scope and quality boundaries on the web Search techniques specific to science education interests Educational standards and concept browsing Pedagogical support – teaching tips, Teaching Boxes Customization services