Remaking the Remarkable Unit 5: Alternative Processes, Concepts, and Presentation (Digital Conceptual Photography) Photography 1, Fall 2017, Mrs. Rizzo
National Media Arts Standards MA:Pr4.1.HSI Integrate various arts, media art forms, and content into unified media arts productions, considering the reaction and interaction of the audience, such as experiential design. MA:Re8.1.HSIII Analyze the intent, meanings and impacts of diverse media artworks, considering the complex factors of context and bias. MA:Cr1.1.HSII Strategically utilize generative methods to formulate multiple ideas, refine artistic goals, and increase the originality of approaches in media arts creation processes. MA:Cn11.1.HSI a. Demonstrate and explain how media artworks and ideas relate to various contexts, purposes, and values, such as social trends, power, equality, and personal/cultural identity. National Media Arts Standards
What is my learning target today? What am I going to do to hit the target? How will I SHOW I have hit the learning target? To infer, evaluate, and understand the significance of famous photos/photography in history and individual life; To research a specific famous photograph to emulate through remake; To participate in presentation and critique of final photographic remake Research specific “famous” photo and formulate final remake; Conduct research/written investigation into context of photo through statement; Participate in and present content/context of final photo in class critique You will SHOW your understanding of famous photos/photography in history and life through production and presentation of final, photographic remake, and participation in class critique
History in Photography, through the eras
Iconic Photos from History Photographing the MGM Lion Lunch Break
V-J Day, WWII Goofy Einstein
Iconic Movie Stills
What makes an image ICONIC???
Sandro Miller and John Malkovich Sandro Miller and John Malkovich
Sandro Miller’s Tribute to Great Masters
Iconic Photos Recreated in LEGOs Artist Mike Stimpson recreates iconic photos with legos.
Your Assignment Due: THURSDAY, DEC 7th Understanding and evaluating the significance of history in photography, you will work independently to create a remake of a “famous” photograph from history, current events, pop culture, and/or the media (movies), throughout the eras. Think critically about the composition and elements and principles within the famous/iconic photo in order to best emulate the photo. You will research the context (background information) of the photo itself, to help inform your artist statement for your final photograph. Your final remake will be EMAILED TO ME ( by Wednesday, along with your title and artist statement. Class critique will begin and end at the start of class on Thursday, December 7th!
Artist Statement - What to include? What is your famous photograph depicting? (What is happening in your famous photograph? Who/What does the photograph express?) CONTEXT! Why did you choose the iconic/famous photograph that you remade your own photo after? How did you create your final, remake photo? What apps did you use/What editing?
I have always been drawn to this iconic image from the 1989 film, Say Anything... The composition of the original image from the movie still and the gaze of character Lloyd, are both equally strong and powerful to me. In this movie scene, Lloyd seeks to win back his former girlfriend’s love by playing the popular song In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel. I attempted to emulate the strong and almost tense mood of the scene through wearing the classic trench coat and taking the same gaze and stance as the main character. I hold the stereo over my head in hopes to persuade the viewer. I wanted to create a similar composition, so I recreated the lines and shapes of the car and the main subject (myself). Additionally, I used the app “Afterlight” to crop the image and chose a filter that made the photo appear to be cooler in saturation and color. In My Eyes
Works Cited beQkrPSAhXCLyYKHeXmAywQjBwIBA& content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F03%2Fb69bd9e7-92cd-45d7-8c63- 2cac8af4065f.quality_lighter.resize_640x.inline_yes.jpg&psig=AFQjCNGzrm2xMMGJpJAHSZnTUxGI2Q7wJA&ust=1488382683800534 base/Movies/L/Lord_of_the_Rings/fellowship_of_the_ring/fellowship_of_the_ring_movie_image_elijah_wood_frodo_01.jpg / g.3...27999.31466.0.31962.