TSDS Classroom Roster Collection


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Presentation transcript:

TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Presented by: Michele Elledge 2019-2020 School Year March 2019

CONTENTS Background Sunset Review TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Business Rule Impact CONTENTS

Background Senate Bill 174 (SB 174) and House Bill 3 (HB 3) were among the bills signed into law during the 81st legislative session that impacted the data that local education agencies (LEAs) must submit through PEIMS. HB 3 relates to public school accountability, curriculum, and promotion requirements. SB 174 relates to accountability of institutions of higher education, including educator preparation programs, and online institution résumés for public institutions of higher education.

Background HB 3 updated TEC Section 32.258 Requires TEA to establish & maintain a student assessment data portal for use by LEAs, teachers, parents and students. Student or the student's parent or other person standing in parental relationship can easily access the student's individual assessment data. An authorized employee of a school district, including a district teacher, can readily access individual assessment data of district students for use in developing strategies for improving student performance.

Background SB174 updated TEC Section 21.045 including: The board shall propose rules necessary to establish standards to govern the continuing accountability of all educator preparation programs based on the following information that is disaggregated with respect to race, sex, and ethnicity: (3) achievement, including improvement in achievement, of students taught by beginning teachers for the first three years following certification, to the extent practicable;

Background The student assessment data portal and the requirement to evaluate the achievement of students taught by teachers for the first three years after certification, significantly impacted PEIMS data collection. Course attempt and course completion data is now collected for students in all courses in grades 1-12. Data collected includes: master schedule, staff ID/demographic, teacher class assignment, student ID/demographic, student section and student transcript.

CONTENTS Background Sunset Review TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Business Rule Impact CONTENTS

Sunset review Meetings with staff from the following divisions were held: Performance Reporting Educator Quality Leadership Educator Evaluation and Support Goal: To affirm the current use of the data and the continued need to collect it.

Sunset review In the past, the teacher class assignment and student class enrollment data was usable as collected, however: The current assessment vendor cannot use the data in the timeframe in which it is collected. There is a need to provide the assessment vendor with Fall class roster information in advance of End of Course (EOC) assessments occurring in December, and a Winter class roster in advance of State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and EOC assessments occurring in May.

CONTENTS Background Sunset Review TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Business Rule Impact CONTENTS

TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Fall Submission Winter Submission As of: The last Friday in September The last Friday in February Data due by: October 17, 2019 March 19, 2020 Information to be included: Organization LEA and Campus Course Section data for courses offered in grades 1-12 Teachers teaching a course section. Students enrolled in a course section. Staff (Teacher of Record Only) Identification, demographic and class assignment Student Identification, demographic and class enrollment

TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Specific data elements will be collected in the following complex types: Category Complex Type Education Organization LocalEducationAgencyExtension SchoolExtension Course CourseOffering SectionExtension Staff StaffExtension TeacherSectionAssociationExtension Student StudentExtension StudentSectionAssociation

TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Complex Type Impact to PEIMS Summer Submission LocalEducationAgencyExtension No change SchoolExtension CourseOffering Reduce collection to only high school courses, and courses taken via the TxVSN Online Schools program and the TxVSN Statewide Online Course Catalog. SectionExtension StaffExtension No longer collected StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationEx tension TeacherSectionAssociationExtension StudentExtension StudentSectionAssociation Reduce the collection of data to only where the COURSE- COMPLETION-INDICATOR is “1” (completed) for all high school courses, and all courses completed via the TxVSN Online Schools program (grade levels 3 - 12) and the TxVSN Statewide Online Course Catalog (grade levels 9 – 12).


CONTENTS Background Sunset Review TSDS Classroom Roster Collection Business Rule Impact CONTENTS

BUSINESS Rule Impact Rule Category Added to Classroom Roster Submission Removed from PEIMS Summer Submission Organization – District and Campus field validation & context Where applicable Master Schedule field validation No Staff - Basic Information field validation & context  Staff - Employment Payroll Summary field validation & context Staff - Teacher Class Assignment field validation & context Student - Basic Information field validation & context Student Enrollment field validation & context Some staff rules no longer apply due to changes in data elements used (i.e. TSDS data elements are used instead of PEIMS data elements). Example of a Teacher Class Assignment rule that is not moved is 330305-0022 that states: CLASS-ROLE must not be 04 (PK Classroom Aide; this is an ECDS rule)

Business Rule Impact Rule Category Added to Classroom Roster Submission Removed from PEIMS Summer Submission Student - Course Completion field validation & context No Campus Course Section - field validation & context Where applicable Some staff rules no longer apply due to changes in data elements used (i.e. TSDS data elements are used instead of PEIMS data elements). Example of a Teacher Class Assignment rule that is not moved is 330305-0022 that states: CLASS-ROLE must not be 04 (PK Classroom Aide; this is an ECDS rule)

Rule Impact - Notable Rule Changes Level Collection Applies to: 40110- 0204 (new) For each Student Section Association, COURSE- COMPLETION-INDICATOR must be “1”. F PEIMS 3, 4 District Campus Charter 40110- 0205 For a student section association, the course section must be one of the following: a high school course (SERVICE-ID Eligible for State HS Credit = “Y” in code table C022), a TxVSN Online Schools program course (NON-CAMPUS- BASED-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING “04”), or TxVSN Statewide Online Course Catalog course (NON-CAMPUS- BASED-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE “05”). PEIMS 3 50300- 0001 (revised) For each Course Section where NON-CAMPUS-BASED- INSTRUCTION-CODE is "00", there must be a matching Teacher Class Assignment for this Local Education Agency where CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE are the same and CLASSROOM-POSITIONROLE is "01". CRF CRW

Questions? www.texasstudentdatasystem.org 5/27/2019