Warm-Up 10/13/14 1) Place these in order from birth to death of a star. 2) What is the name of each stage of a star’s life? Checking at 2:05PM
Understand the origins of the elements. Objective 10/13/14 Understand the origins of the elements. Agenda 10/13/14 Warm-Up Lifecycles of Stars Video – Elements Comic Strip Lab Prep
Warm-Up 10/13/14 1) Place these in order from birth to death of a star. 2) What is the name of each stage of a star’s life? Checking at 8:05AM
Lifecycle of Stars
High Mass Stars
High Mass Stars
Low Mass Stars
Low Mass Stars
Low Mass Stars
End of Lifecycle
Video: Elements As you are watching… What were the first two elements? What conditions needed to be met for the other elements to be created? How were all of the elements up to iron formed? How were all of the elements after iron formed?
2) Be sure to indicate the type of star it is. Comic Strip 1) Create a comic strip detailing the lifecycle of a star to the origins of the elements. 2) Be sure to indicate the type of star it is. 3) Include how the elements up to iron were created and then how the rest were created.
4) Should include at least seven panels. More is encouraged. Comic Strip 4) Should include at least seven panels. More is encouraged. 5) Draft is due by the end of class.
As you leave, place your draft in the basket by the door. Homework None As you leave, place your draft in the basket by the door.
Read Iron lab procedure. Rewrite procedure in your own words. Homework Read Iron lab procedure. Rewrite procedure in your own words. Due next class (tomorrow for periods 1-5, Wednesday for periods 6-7).