Unit III Vocabulary in Pictures
9th grade students must abridge their responses to fit in the text box allowed by STAAR.
Colonel Sander’s decision caused dissent among the ranks.
A marauder took all of the precious jewels stowed away on the ship.
She tried to portray some semblance of calm by breathing deeply before she took to stage.
The adherent annotation notes made my book a colorful flag.
I flew to San Francisco to meet the eminent governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Canine obesity is worrisome to veterinarians.
As their homework began to pile up, the students were determined to surmount the stress and still earn an A.
Following the altercation with his neighbor, Bob planted high hedges to keep his children in his own yard.
Father Tom attempted to exorcise the demons that haunted the abandoned house.
The pauper hauled his backpack of belongings to the same corner each morning hoping for generous handouts from passersby.
Time Warner was forced to terminate the cable service of the couple who never paid their bill.
Aiden’s cherubic face helped him get away with anything.
Henry Ford fabricated the first car for the general public.
Linguini would secretly pilfer food for his “little buddy” Remy Linguini would secretly pilfer food for his “little buddy” Remy. (This is a reference to Ratatouille!)
Presidential candidate catch phrases often become trite by the end of the campaign.
The principal could not condone the teacher’s decision to make a student wear a dunce cap.
The irate customer screamed, “How does your company even stay in business with the poor service you give?”
Fighting over a toy caused a rift in the young boys’ friendship.
The evil wizard tried to usurp the throne by getting rid of the king.