Welcome Wildcat Families! Curriculum Night September 26th, 2017
Weddington Elementary Site Based Team The primary goal of the Site-Based Management Team shall be to improve student performance Meets one time per month Comprised of Weddington Elementary staff and parents Parents serving on the Site Based Management Team must be elected by parents of children enrolled in the school Be sure to vote before you leave this evening
2016-2017 School Performance Data Met 100 % of target goals as determined by the state Earned a School Performance Grade of an A+ as determined by the state 91% of our students scored a 4 or 5 on the 3-5 NC EOG tests >95% of our students scored a 3, 4, or 5 on the NC EOG tests
Focus for the 2017-2018 School Year Literacy – 5 Areas of Focus Word Study/Phonics Instruction Read Aloud Guided Reading Independent Reading Responsive Reading Disciplinary Literacy – Reading Across the Curriculum
UCPS Resource UCPS EmpowerED Family Portal – new for 2017-2018 This area is designed to empower your family to partner with your child in their learning. You will find links to UCPS provided resources as well as guides instructing you how to access these materials. The list provided below includes digital resources and texts that are available to students. https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/page/6333
Weddington Cluster Identity New for the 2017-2018 school year, the Weddington Cluster has adopted a Global Education and Service Learning identity. Weddington Elementary is excited to extend a focus on Global Education and Service Learning to all students on all grade levels while following the Common Core Standards for Social Studies and Literacy. 5th Grade students will complete a Service Learning project prior to their promotion in June.
Math Briefly list the math topics and activities
Science and Technology Briefly list the science and technology topics and activities
Social Studies Briefly list the topics and activities How about special projects?
Music and Art Briefly list the topics and activities
Homework 45 minutes of homework every night. Due on Friday morning Need extra time? Go to homework club during recess.
Field Trips We have lots of fun field trips planned for this year! Attend two plays at the Children’s Theater (Reading units) Take water samples from river at Maple Grove park (Science unit) Tour a bakery (Social Studies unit)
Tardiness School starts at 8:15 A.M. Running late? Check in at the school office before coming to class. If you are tardy four times, the school will contact your parents.
Supplies Bring these items each day Don’t bring these items Number 2 pencil Electronic devices
Resources Library Computer Lab Teacher’s Aide Parent Volunteers
Let’s Have a Great Year!