The Menstrual Cycle Resources
Your cycle begins on the first day of blood flow. Day 1: Menstruation Your cycle begins on the first day of blood flow. Day 2-14: Follicular Phase You cervical mucus starts to thin. Day 14: Ovulation Begins mid-cycle, but can vary between day 11-21. The egg is released. Chart your basal body temperature (Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your lowest body temperature in a 24-hour period.)
Day 15-22: Luteal Phase The lining of the uterus thicken. Day 23-24: Luteal Phase Implantation of a fertilized egg can take place. Hormones produced by pregnancy may be detected by a pregnancy test. Day 25-28: Luteal Phase If pregnancy does not occur , your hormone levels begin to fall. The uterine lining sheds, resulting in your period.