PBIS Update Board Meeting August 14, 2018
PBIS at Madison Functional behavior assessments and individual behavior plans (BIP) Parent collaboration Check-in/Check-out Daily point sheet Small group (social skills and social emotional learning) Data based decision making and monitoring Increased parent involvement School-wide expectations Regular teaching and reviewing of expectations School-wide reinforcement and recognition system Bully prevention/social responsibility lessons Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a systems approach to establishing the social culture and behavioral supports needed for all children in a school to achieve both social and academic success (pbis.org). 3 tiered system Site specific expectations reinforcements boosters celebrations District wide SWIS Discipline matrix
17.18 School Year SWIS facilitator training Who: Rita Atkinson, Victoria Coughlin Why: Access to SWIS database locally Team trainings Who: School PBIS teams Why: Collaboration, increasing skill sets, team time
17.18 School Year BET-C (Behavior Education Technology Conference) Who: Victoria Coughlin, Rita Atkinson, Simis PBIS team members Why: Gain new understandings and enhance knowledge of PBIS, new insights for approaches to Tier 1 and 2 All PBIS teams would benefit from attending this conference annually. This conference can re-energize a team and give teams new insights and ideas for approaches to Tier 1 and Tier 2
17.18 Team Trainings Training 1 Training 2 Training 3 Perceived motivation Consequences Tier 2 Data Tracking Data Drill Down Training 2 Data integrity Alternatives to suspension Tier 2 discussion Staff PBIS training Training 3 School successes Building relationships PBIS training materials PBISAz award applications Last training cancelled hoping to reschedule May 31 Use feedback to personalize trainings
17.18 Team Trainings-Feedback In order to meet the needs of our teams we provide a survey after each training. We ask what was beneficial about the training as well as what schools would like/need for the next training. This is how we develop trainings.
Yearly Assessment Assessments provide data for schools on Tier 1 and 2 systems. They help guide action plans for teams.
Assessment Findings Meadows scored low in the area of expectations defined. Their team is working to revise/ their school wide expectations. 18.19 priorities
PBISAz Awards and BET-C Applications completed by May 31, 2018 Criteria has changed Heights - Silver #1 - Bronze Camelview - Silver BET-C November 8, 2018 Heights-Silver Simis-Gold #1-Bronze
Next Steps Define the 3 tiers in Madison Review Tier 2 procedures Continue with team training days Review/revise yearly assessment calendar Develop online training module(s) Increase involvement in Phoenix Metro PBIS coalition Define the tiers at Madison more clearly Define and standardize Tier 2 procedures (as much as possible across the district) Continue with team training days (the half & half approach seemed to work well) Review yearly assessments-how are these being utilized? which are the most informative/useful for teams? PBIS bootcamp