Child Obesity Child Care 2
What is Obesity The presence of body mass index (BMI) greater than the 95th percentile for age and sex according to national growth charts The most common nutritional disorder among our nations youth!
Child Obesity- Dangers Medical Behavioral Reduced energy expenditure Societal pressure Nutritional transition
Physical Consequences Cardiovascular Respiratory Metabolic Orthopedic
Long-term Consequences Adult obesity Cardiovascular disease Breast cancer Colon cancer Type 2 Diabetes Financial ramifications
Psychological Factors Lower self-esteem Increased depression Social outcasts
Prevention Risk factors to be addressed: High birth weight Maternal smoking in first trimester Early introduction to solid foods Overweight parents
Prevention Risk factors to be addressed: Socio-economic status More then 11 hours/week tv Low participation in school sports/activities Few interests involving active play More then 2 hours per day traveling by care Few siblings
Treatment Intervention should focus on Realistic body weight Incorporating healthy eating and physical activity Involvement Parental involvement is very important in treatment