T-489: Induced Activity and Residual Dose Rates


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Presentation transcript:

T-489: Induced Activity and Residual Dose Rates Irradiation Experiment in Endstation A Spring 2007 Johannes Bauer for T-489 experimenters prepared 3/19/2007

Motivation Monte Carlo Simulations for Design of New Facilities Simulation of residual activity improved in last years Better-controlled experiments needed for benchmark tests CERN Involvement: Four collaborators from CERN Two years ago similar experiment at CERN with hadron beam SLAC experiment complimentary with electron beam 3/19/2007

Experimental Setup Beam Primary beam 28.5 GeV at 20 W average (up to 100 W temporarily), ~ 2x109 e-/pulse at 1 to 10 Hz (not exceeding 100 W) Compatible with PEP2 and BABAR Beams delivered to dedicated copper dump Need to know absolute beam power to ~5% Equipment Use of existing wire scanner 3WS1 and standard roller screens for beam monitoring and alignment Use of existing toroids to measure current Infrastructure Just standard beam delivery 3/19/2007

Samples at Dump Installation in beam line inside shielding tunnel of ESA Regularly controlled access to remove and replace samples Measurements of samples in Bldg.24 3/19/2007

Schedule Installation Official schedule: Mon/Tue April 2/3, 2007 (earlier if access to ESA possible) Beam Starting Wed April 4, 2007 for 5 to 7 days (earlier if beams available) 3/19/2007

Values for 100 hours cooling time Radiation Hazards Concrete in ESA Already irradiated T-489 does not add much: < 0.01 mrem/h Equipment in ESA Also very little: ~ 0.13 mrem/h Dump 1 mrem/h at 30 cm distance off dump surface 13 mrem/h on contact Values for 100 hours cooling time 3/19/2007

Radiation Hazards (cont) Worst case radiation dose according to simulation, 4 days, 20 W, 15 min cooling time: contact 30 cm Dump 2000 mrem/h 130 mrem/h sample (worst case stainless steel ) 2 mrem/h 0.02 mrem/h Dump’s 30 cm dose rate: 70 mrem/h after 30 min cooling time 50 mrem/h after 1 hour cooling time 20 mrem/h after 10 hours cooling time 3/19/2007

Radiation Hazards (cont) Exposure during sample exchange (4 days of 20 W, 15 min cool-down): Task Dose rate Time Dose Approaching dump 1 mrem/h 1 minute 0.017 mrem Exchanging sample 130 mrem/h 20 seconds 0.72 mrem Leaving dump 1 minutes Total 0.76 mrem Training and rehearsals will be required Radiological postings and procedures worked out with RPFO 3/19/2007

Conclusion Radiological aspects under control both short-term and long-term No additional safety hazards (e.g. no earthquake bracing needed for equipment) 3/19/2007