Strategic Planning
What is Strategic Planning Used by community groups, government departments, organizations and businesses to develop blueprint for action and change the process should be community based, inclusive and participatory to allow for maximum stakeholder involvement and input. Participant Manual Page 9 Review the benefits of strategic planning.
Benefits of Strategic Planning Defines mission, vision & values Establishes realistic goals, objectives & strategies Ensures effective use of resources Provides base to measure progress Develops consensus on future direction Builds strong teams Solves major problems Participant Manual Page 9
Types of Planning Types of planning Strategic planning Business planning Project planning Program planning Municipal planning Planning as a profession Professional “planners” Planning functions in other professions Participant Manual Page 14 rovide a brief overview of the different types of planning Can use it to follow up on exercise # 2 or generate discussion on types of planning participants have been involved in
Strategic Planning Models Type of organization usually dictates type of strategic planning Non-profit Likely focus on board development, management, fundraising, policies For- Profit Likely focus on profit and strategic directions Participant Manual Page 23 Briefly refer to this and then complete exercise #3 which gives participants an indication of how different perspectives are brought to the strategic planning process through different people. The exercise will give participants an opportunity to learn a little about themselves and their level of personal flexibility. You can discuss how different personalities bring different aspects to a board and a strategic planning process. The next section then deals with the various types of strategic plans that are carried out. Note that most groups you deal with will use the basic model but the others are presented for information.
Types of Strategic Planning Basic Strategic Planning Issue-Based or Goals-Based Strategic Planning Alignment Model Scenario Planning Organic (or Self-Organizing) Planning Participant Manual Page 24 to 29 Discuss these types. Most will undergo the basic strategic planning process. State that there is no perfect model...
Planning to plan requires: Organizational readiness Recognition of need to plan Commitment to plan Organizational commitment Board and volunteer commitment Staff commitment Participant Manual page 35 Discuss the importance of having all these components in place before embarking on a strategic plan.
Planning to Plan Organizational Capacity Human resources Staff Volunteers Board committees Special/Standing committees Financial resources Identify budget Determine resources Time Allocate organizational time Determine realistic time lines Participant Manual Page 36
Reasons for Strategic Planning Change Renewal Funding requirement Financial forecasting Mandate Build consensus Improve staff and board relations Develop ownership Build community support Other (discussion) Participant Manual Page 37 Use this in conjunction with Exercise 5
Strategic Planning Process Planning to Plan Strategic Planning Team Board, staff, community volunteers Strategic Planning Budget Establish budget, identify funding sources Strategic Planning Facilitator(s) Identify a facilitator to lead the process Strategic Planning Partners Internal board and staff External community groups/government departments/others Participant Manual Page 41
Developing the Plan Mission Core purpose of your organization Presented in a clear, short statement that focuses on attention in one clear direction by stating purpose of the group’s uniqueness. Participant Manual Page 43 Discuss each of these – additional material is provided in each
Developing the Plan Vision What is your organization’s vision of excellence Has to be realistic and not something impractical Participant Manual Page 43
Developing the Plan Values What are the principles, standards, and actions considered worthwhile in the organization Includes how people treat each other, how groups conduct business and what is most important to the organization Participant Manual Page 43
Developing the Plan Strategic Analysis Environmental Scan gathering of information that concerns the organization’s environments analysis and interpretation of this information application of this analyzed information in decision making Participant Manual Page 46
Developing the Plan Strategic Analysis SWOT Analysis Strengths What are some internal positive things about your organization? What does the community see as your strengths? Weaknesses What are some weaknesses in organization? What does the community see as your weaknesses? Participant Manual Page 48
Developing the Plan Strategic Analysis SWOT Analysis Opportunities What are some opportunities in your community or region? What are some emerging trends? Threats What are some provincial or national issues facing the organization? What are some technology issues that face the organization? Participant Manual - Page 49
Strategic Planning Process Developing the Plan (continued) Goals Identify long-term outcomes to provide focus for the planning process Strategies Outline how you will achieve your goals Objectives Identify specific, measurable results produced while implementing strategies. Participant Manual Page 50-51 Discuss each of these – additional material is provided on each one
Strategic Planning Process Goals and Objectives Should Be SMARTER Specific Measurable Acceptable Realistic Timeframe Extending Rewarding Participant Manual Page 52
Strategic Planning Process Developing the Plan (continued) Implementation Tasks – assigned to various board and staff responsible for specific items Timelines - established for implementation of the plan for implementation Funding the plan What is required to fund the goals in the plan Participant Manual Page 53 Discuss each of these – additional material is provided on each one
Strategic Planning Process Developing the Plan (continued) Communicating the plan How will you communicate the plan to stakeholders? Monitoring and evaluation Critical to plan’s success and credibility Must be built into the plan Critical for continuous improvement Continuous improvement focuses on improving customer satisfaction through continuous and incremental improvements to processes Participant Manual Page 55-57 Discuss each of these – additional material is provided on each one
Strategic Planning Tools & Techniques Appreciative Inquiry Effective for changing organizational culture Based on 4-D model Discover, Dream, Design and Destiny Open Space Technology new method for working effectively with large groups (10 - 1000 participants) Participant Manual Page 81 Have participants read about each of these tools
Strategic Planning Tools & Techniques Public Consultation Involve public and stakeholders in your planning process Achieve public consultation through Interviews Facilitated meetings Open houses Website discussion papers/surveys Participant Manual Page 82
Strategic Planning Tools & Techniques Public Meeting Provides opportunity for input for all stakeholders through Open house to review plans, maps, charts Facilitated meeting with presentation on what you plan to do Facilitated meeting on interim and final report Participant Manual - Page 82
Strategic Planning Tools & Techniques Focus Groups Provides opportunity to address specific issues Provides opportunity for maximum participation Provides maximum information in short period of time Participant Manual - Page 82
Strategic Planning Tools & Techniques Website feedback Online survey Online discussion paper to generate comments Surveys Community survey Can be developed and administered locally Can be conducted by firm specializing in surveys Research Focus groups, surveys (primary) Literature review (secondary) Participant Manual - Page 82
Parking Lot Summary Evaluation Strategic Planning Participant Manual Page 85