Welcome to HarPEr Park Health and Physical Education! A comprehensive approach to teaching middle schoolers the how's and why's of living a healthy lifestyle!
Healthy Balanced Meal
NO devices of any kind are allowed in the PE locker rooms. --IF a child brings a device and, upon entering the locker room, and tells a teacher they have it, they're asked to take it back to their house locker. --IF a child brings their device and upon entering, chooses NOT to let a teacher know, the child is asked to power it off and hand to the teacher, who will take it to the dean. Click to add text
UNIFORMS Uniforms are worn for PE. If you want your child to buy one through HPMS, they're sold during the 2nd day of PE. If you choose to have your child bring in their own, please (if possible) have dark blue or black shorts (7" inseam) and a PLAIN heather grey shirt. We should be able to write their name on the back of the shirt and on the tag of the shorts. Click to add text Click to add text
Youth Large – Adult XL $2.25 $4.75 Adult XXL $3.50 $6.00 UNIFORMS COST: Shirt Shorts Youth Large – Adult XL $2.25 $4.75 Adult XXL $3.50 $6.00 Once all students have had a chance to buy 1 uniform, a 2nd uniform (if needed/desired) can be purchased if size is available. Click to add text
HEALTH and PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS --Come straight to the locker room; 4 minutes to change --Read the "Rotation Board" Rotations – 2 classes in 1 block Health – a variety of topics to include nutrition, benefits of leading a physically active lifestyle, mental/emotional health, social health, conflict resolution, etc. Aux Gym—5ForLife (Components of Physical Fitness) and Fitness-based Activities Main Gym – variety of sports and lifetime activities
Health Quizzes, Portfolios GRADING PE – 66% of the grade (Social Development of both the Fitness Activities and Sports/Games; Concepts of the Sports/ Games Health – 33% Health Quizzes, Portfolios Click to add text Click to add text Click to add text
Ice breaker activity (time permitting) SECOND DAY FIRST DAY Review Rules and Regulations sheet which is to be signed by student and parent/guardian then returned to teacher on Day 2. Ice breaker activity (time permitting) SECOND DAY --Lock and locker assignment --Uniform purchase (if necessary) --Health/PE folder (flimsy fits into the locker best) --Writing implements --Athletic Shoes (preferable with laces) Click to add text
MEDICAL NOTES Notes from home – county policy is that a student may bring in a note from parent/guardian for 3 consecutive classes after which a physician's note is required. PLEASE tell us what your child CAN do. Notes from a physician – please give/send the physician the "Allowable Activity Checklist" (link on our web page). This tells us what your child CAN do. IF a child cannot participate in PE, he/she will be given a textbook assignment to earn points for the day. Click to add text Click to add text
WHERE DO I FIND INFO?? The H/PE web site is a complete resource for anything you need to know...and then some! Anything we hand out to your child is available on the web site as well as a teacher copy of all notes! Upcoming assessments or assignments are posted several days in advance in Phoenix. Click to add text
HPE CONTACT INFO If you have any questions or specific concerns today or throughout the year, please contact your child's teacher: Mr. Steve Hawley – steve.hawley@lcps.org Mr. Mike Hill – michael.hill@lcps.org Mrs. Merrie Mayner – meredith.mayner@lcps.org Ms. Christine Walker – christine.walker@lcps.org Mr. Kenny Weaver – kenneth.weaver@lcps.org