Reliability and validity of ankle proprioceptive measures1


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Presentation transcript:

Reliability and validity of ankle proprioceptive measures1 Nandini Deshpande, MSc, PhD(c), Denise M Connelly, PhD, Elsie G Culham, PhD, Patrick A Costigan, PhD  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 84, Issue 6, Pages 883-889 (June 2003) DOI: 10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00016-9

Fig 1 Subject positioning for threshold to perception of passive movement, reproduction of joint position, and velocity test. Arrow indicates position of potentiometer. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 883-889DOI: (10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00016-9)

Fig 2 Mean error ± SD for the young (group 1), middle (group 2), and older (group 3) subject groups for measures of ankle proprioception. (A) Threshold for perception of passive movement for group 1, .39±.06; for group 2, .57±.22; and for group 3, .92±.49 (F=5.98, P=.009). (B) Absolute error in reproduction of position for group 1, 1.61±0.40; for group 2, 3.03±1.31; and for group 3, 2.33±0.92 (F=4.48, P=.023). (C) Absolute error in velocity reproduction for group 1, 1.43±0.73; for group 2, 0.98±0.49; and for group 3, 1.27±0.59 (F=1.11, P=.348). (D) Absolute error in torque reproduction for dorsiflexion for group 1, 1.73±0.97; for group 2, 1.86±1.30; and for group 3, 2.93±1.63 (F=1.57, P=.244); and for plantarflexion for group 1, 1.56±0.86; for group 2, 1.27±0.79; and for group 3, 2.11±1.21 (F=1.596, P=.237). ∗Significant difference compared with group 1 and group 2 (P<.05). †Significant difference compared with group 1 (P<.05). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 883-889DOI: (10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00016-9)