What you need to do in order to vote Voter Qualifications What you need to do in order to vote
Qualifications to vote 1. Citizenship: one must be a citizen (either born here or has gone through the naturalization process). 2. Residence: must be a legal resident of a particular state for so long. 3. Age: must be 18 years of age to vote
Qualifications to Vote 4. Registration: a procedure of voter identification intended to prevent fraudulent voting. Some disagree with voter registration. Say that it prohibits poor or less educated from voting. Others argue that registration keeps fraud from taking place.
Illegal Voting Qualifications 1. Literacy Tests: voter’s ability to read or write. Make sure that the voter can cast an informed vote. Used to discriminate against African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics. (Often times, whites were asked simple questions and others races very difficult questions. )
Illegal Voting Qualifications Poll Tax: a requirement of payment before one can vote. South after the Civil War in order to keep African Americans from voting. Outlawed in the 1960s with the passage of the 24th Amendment.
Persons who are not allowed to vote 1. Persons in mental institutions cannot vote. 2. Persons who have been convicted of a serious crimes. A few states, do not allow anyone who has been dishonorably discharged from the armed services to vote.