Must cultural differences lead to conflict? Get Ready to Read Must cultural differences lead to conflict? When did the final conquest of Tenochtitlan occur? How did the Spaniards achieve this conquest? What was the name of one of the conquistadores who invaded the Aztec civilization? What would be a modern synonym for conquistadores?
Dominate – to control or rule over Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Dominate – to control or rule over What did Montezuma do in 1519 that shows he did not suspect that the Spaniards were planning to dominate the Aztecs? What are some synonyms of dominate? Treasury – a place where money is kept The conquistadores brought gold and silver to the Spanish treasury. Have you ever been to the U.S. treasury?
Preview The Maya on page 444-445. Read and Comprehend Preview The Maya on page 444-445. What are the links listed for Ancient Civilizations? What is the purpose of these links? Read pages 444-445. From the description of Mayan Life on the online directory page, what can you conclude about Mayan builders? If you were interested in locating information about the Earth’s layers, which part of this online directory page would be useful to you?
Read and Comprehend Read pages 446-447. How should you go about choosing the specific link you think will lead you to the information you are looking for? The topic of the first paragraph under Mayan Places is a temple named El Castillo. What is an important idea about this topic? How does the image of the seated figure on page 447 add to your understanding of the text on that page?
Read and Comprehend Fluency Practice
Multiple Meaning Words Read and Comprehend Multiple Meaning Words The sun casts shadows on the steps that look like a snake wriggling down the pyramid. Find the meanings for the word casts. Which one fits here?
Language Arts Quotations and Quotation Marks What is the difference between direct and indirect quotations? Complete the practice worksheet.
Language Arts Spelling Practice Quiz your neighbor on the spelling words
You will be revising your story today. Language Arts Revise and Edit You will be revising your story today. Make sure the lead grabs readers’ attention Make sure the ideas and information are clear Subtract details that detract from the article’s focus