Evaluating Websites
Objectives By the end of today you will know: Why websites should be evaluated How to evaluate websites
Why Evaluate? All websites are not created equally Example: Martin Luther King, Jr. http://www.martinlutherking.org
Sample flyer
http://www.martinlutherking.org 8 8
So, how will you know if a website is reliable?
How to Evaluate? Start your research using reliable sources Cross reference - find the same information in another source
(example: hawaii.gov/hdoa) How to Evaluate? Domain names (.com, .edu) can sometimes be helpful: .gov governmental agency (very reliable!) (example: hawaii.gov/hdoa)
How to Evaluate? Ex. http://www2.hawaii.edu/~Higa Be careful of tilde “~” Indicates a personal website Ex. http://www2.hawaii.edu/~Higa
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(Follow along with your handout) Is this a reliable site? (Follow along with your handout)
Authority: Contact Info?
Link check
Current information?
Wikipedia: Good & Bad Be careful!
Wikipedia: The Bad Side E.g., A 2007 news article: • 1,662 Wikipedia edits made from Univ. of Hawaii computers • 776 edits made from Dept. of Ed. computers
Wikipedia: The Bad Side Examples: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice died in a Texas bathroom in 2004 Hawaii Congressman Neil Abercrombie has killed more than 5 million wolves
Wikipedia: The Good Side Cited sources may be useful
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