Happy Tuesday! 1/30/18 Do Now: Please copy this down in your WNB: A frame story is a story within a story. The story that is the frame establishes the narrator as reliable or unreliable based on what the reader learns about him in the frame story. The story within the story is often unbelievable and might sound unreal if it weren’t for a narrator who is telling it. The narrator puts in some details but leaves others out. A reader needs to pay attention to determine if they believe the story and to wonder what is not being said.
LT/SC Learning Target: Students will learn how structure, especially framing, adds depth to fiction. Success Criteria: I will identify, label and analyze the frame and other important aspects of short fiction.
Class work Read aloud together in class. On the story handout: 1. Bracket the story that is the frame for the main story. Notice that it doesn’t just open and close the story. There will be brief reminders of the outside frame in the middle of the story also.
Answer these questions in your WNB 1. What do you know about the narrator? 2. Do you trust the narrator? What lines or words in the frame cause you to trust or not trust the narrator? 3. Do you trust Rosa Blanca’s son? What lines or words in the story or the frame cause you to trust or not trust Rosa Blanca’s son? 4. List the actions of Rosa Blanca 5. What do you think of Rosa Blanca? Explain your answer using evidence from the text. (details and lines) 6. Do you trust her? What details in the scenes in the main story cause you to trust her or not to trust her? The specific details & lines should be used as evidence in your answer. 7. After reviewing this list from #1, what do these actions tell you about Rosa Blanca? (i.e. what kind of person is she?) Is there only one way of seeing her, or multiple? Explain your answer using evidence from the text.
Summarize “Rosa Blanca” in 5-7 sentences (1 paragraph). Happy Thursday! 2/1/18 DO NOW: Summarize “Rosa Blanca” in 5-7 sentences (1 paragraph).
LT/SC Learning Target: Students will learn how structure, especially framing, adds depth to fiction. Success Criteria: Students will determine the central claim of a fiction text and support their inference with textual evidence and relevant commentary.
Re read Rosa Blanca As you reread, you should identify: Underline the most important details. Annotate your thoughts about the characters and their actions.
Pre Assessment Write a paragraph that includes all of the following: The theme/message of the story Evidence to prove it Commentary and Explanation of the evidence Another evidence to prove it Another commentary and explanation of that evidence
When finished with pre assessment Complete the 7 questions from Tuesday, if you haven’t already. I will stamp them once you are finished.
Happy Friday! 2/2/18 Do Now: Describe a time when someone tried to make you do something that you didn’t want to. Write at least 1 paragraph
LT/SC Learning Target- Students will learn to read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences Success Criteria- Students will be able to read and analyze chapter 1 of LBD while making inferences as to the central claim of the story.
Theories We will create theories about what the book is really about…what central idea…big idea we see as we read. Ex: This book is about friendship. Friendship is a topic…what the author is saying about friendship would be the central idea!
Model Read pages 3-6 (paragraph ends at the top of 7). Clarify confusion of first few sentences by identifying the narrator (which is not clear) and orienting students to two past events: Trial and Murder/Robbery Stop several times to notice and clarify the event sequence of murder/robbery Courtroom (near past) Night of the murders & robbery (distant past)
Discuss with group and write in your WNB What seems unclear? What sentences or passage seems confusing? What details in the robbery/murder seem important? Take turns reading pages 7-9 aloud. Select one sentence on page 7 and one sentence on page 8 that seem important.
Homework Read chapter 2 looking for 3 sentences (spots) that seem important (repetition, or other craft AND topics). As you read, post-it a page. Do not stop to write important sentences on the post-it. Bring the post-its to class tomorrow.
Happy Monday! 2/5/18 DO NOW: Please write a one paragraph summary of chapter 1 and 2. Who are the characters? What do we know about our narrator? What do we know about the setting.
LT/SC Learning Target- Students will make connections to a fiction text Success Criteria- students will read and analyze LBD while making inferences as to the central claim and analyzing authors craft elements.
Prestwick House MC Questions Ch 1, Q’s 1-5 Discuss answers
Lesson Before Dying Movie Watch video 0:00-7:00
Class work You’ll read chapter 3 aloud with your group. As you read Chapter 3, you should post-it 3 lines that seem important. We’ll have a whole group discussion: To start… we need one student to briefly summarize the event(s) in Chapter 3. Next, which important pages did you mark? Why?
Assessment/Homework 1. Finish Chapter 3, Read Chapter 4 – 5, sticky 3 important lines from each chapter 2. YOU CAN Make a page in your WNB for chapter 3 and another page for chapter 4. Write the chapter summaries on those pages before coming back tomorrow 3. Use additional stickys given to you to notice craft. Be prepared to talk about those when we come back tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday! 2/6/18 DO NOW:
LT/SC Learning Targets: Students will learn to read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences. Success Criteria: Students will be able to read and analyze chapters 5-6 of A Lesson Before Dying while making inferences as to the central idea of the story
How to set up your WNB for each chapter 1. Chapter Summary 2. Central Idea Topic 3. Central Idea Theory 3. Text Evidence (3) of Central Idea Topic (copy sentence(s) directly from the story) With group, share stickys (ch 2-5) with each other.
Do one page for Chapters 2-5 1. Chapter Summary 2. Central Idea Topic 3. Central Idea Theory 4. Text Evidence (3) of Central Idea Topic (copy sentence(s) directly from the story) With group, share stickys with each other.
Additional Focus Craft. As you continue to read, know that we will focus on craft tomorrow and as we continue to read. What examples of craft have you seen thus far and can share out next week?
Share out… Important lines from chapter 3 Important lines from chapter 4 Important lines from chapter 5
Homework Read chapters 6 tonight, 7-10 by Wednesday 2/7: Sticky important lines that help you see the theme of the book. Be prepared to create pages in your WNB for these chapters!
Happy Wednesday! 2/7/18 DO NOW: MC questions # 6-10. Discuss
LT/SC Learning Target: Students will learn how to create a theory about a book. Success Criteria: Students will be able to connect evidence in A Lesson Before Dying to create a theory.
Discuss chapter summary Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Class work Discuss chapter summary Chapter 5 Chapter 6
A Lesson Before Dying Movie 7:10-21:25 Chs 2-6
Assessment/Homework Read Chapters 7-10
Happy Thursday! 2/8/18 DO NOW: One page for Chps 6-10 1. Chapter Summary 2. Central Idea Topic 3. Central Idea Theory 4. Text Evidence (3) of Central Idea Topic (copy sentence(s) directly from the story) With group, share stickys with each other.
LT/SC Learning Target: Students will learn to read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences. Success Criteria: Students will be able to connect and interpret evidence to prove theme.
Discuss Chapters 7-10 Analysis Topic Sentence- author’s purpose – make an inference as to the central idea Important Line as evidence Commentary - why it’s important / what inference you have made Another line used as evidence that is related to the first - Should come from a different area of the chapter or book Explanation of how the lines/evidence are connected. This explanation must restate an overall central idea.
Look at colored example (day 8) Write your own: You should use some of the info from the pages you’ve already written in you wnb for this paragraph. Find a central idea theory that you have multiple pieces of evidence for… Evidence cannot come from same chapter
Homework 1. You’ll read chapters 11-15 by Friday. As you read, you should post-it 3 pages that have a detail (sentence) that seem important/evidence to prove your theory.
Happy Friday! 2/9/18 DO NOW: MC Questions 11-15 Discuss answers
Read and highlight two samples Read and highlight 2 sample writes. Notice the parts: TS (central idea stated) Evidence (line from text) Commentary (your explanation and connection to central idea/theme) Concluding tie back to central idea Analysis Model #3 (day 9)
Highlight Model #2 Highlight your own write (analysis paragraph #1) What parts do you have? What do you still need? Read someone else’s write
Write your own Write your own: Find a central idea theory that you have multiple pieces of evidence for… One line must come from chapter 9 or 10 or 11 (last night’s reading. The other evidence cannot come from same chapter, but should come from anywhere else in the book.
Assessment/Homework 1. Read ch. 11-15. Sticky important lines per chapter that help you see central idea. Write the page # and the line on the sticky before coming to class Monday.
Happy Monday! 2/26/18 Do Now: Please write about your week off of school (winter break) for one paragraph, 5-7 sentences minimum. Some ideas are who you saw, what you ate, where you went, did you work, did you sleep a lot?
LT/SC Learning Target: Students will learn to read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences. Success Criteria: Students will be able to connect and interpret at least 2 pieces of evidence to prove a theme, make inferences about the evidence and explain its connection to the theme.
Class work Write 1 paragraph: How is this story which is set in 1940’s Louisiana, still relevant in 2018 America? Use lines from the text (at least 2) as evidence to help support your explanation.
Class work One page or 4 boxes 1. Chapter Summary (chapters 24-28) 2. Central Idea Topic 3. Central Idea Theory 4. Text Evidence (3) of Central Idea Topic (copy sentence(s) directly from the story) With group, share stickys with each other.
Reading Read chapter 29 aloud. Complete 30-31 tonight.
Happy Tuesday! 2/27/18 Do Now: Write 1 paragraph minimum: What is a hero according to Grant? Do you agree or disagree? Use lines from the story as evidence to support your write. (Refer to pages 191-192 to recall his talking about a hero).
LT/SC Learning Target: Students will learn to read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences. Success Criteria: Students will be able to connect and interpret at least 2 pieces of evidence to prove a theme, make inferences about the evidence and explain its connection to the theme.
Class work Read Chapter 31 Write a sentence that states the message of the story now that you know how it ends. Your sentence should say – Ernest Gaines message is… Select 5+ lines to use as evidence to prove this message.