Revolutionary War Unit A quick guide to what you will need to do for this unit.
The work… You will complete a presentation on a war hero. You will complete an argumentative essay on patriots or loyalist. You will complete 5 separate reading assignments with discussion questions. Lets add another argumentative essay just to be safe.
Deadlines Every two weeks you will need to be making adequate progress towards completing these assignments. This will be graded as part of your work. Everything will need to be completed by March 6, 2015. This is the rubric you will be graded on: Incomplete 0 Kind of working 5 Making Progress 8 Blazing Fast! 10 No evidence of work shown. Wasting class time. Some evidence of work, but not making adequate progress to meet deadline. Evidence of work shown. Making adequate progress. Using class time for work. Evidence clearly shown. Using class time effectively. Well ahead of schedule.
Ohh by the way… You will still need to complete your current events.