Discipline and PBIS PURPOSE: To update staff on where we are, what we’ve done, and what we must continue to do to accomplish our goals.
Excelling learning environments create excelling schools! PBIS Vision Excelling learning environments create excelling schools! Excelling Learning Environments Create Schools!
PBIS Update Since the beginning of school… 36 Referrals 2 FBI Assignments 4 Out of school Suspensions 5 In School Suspensions (On Campus Reassignments) 1 Documented Fight 6 Reports of Bullying 5 Reports of Vandalism 1 report of drugs or alcohol
PBIS Update Since the beginning of school…we’ve been adamant about… Highlighting a Social Skill of the Week Bully Prevention and Character Reinforcement Lessons Honoring Recognition and Awards Assemblies Distributing Golden Horseshoes Allowing for Reward Time (structured will become essential) Providing Opportunities for Positive Choices on Passport Allowing for Grade Levels to Re-Teach Behavior Expectations Based on Need
Social Skills-Character Week Skill of the Week 1 Raising Standards and Setting Goals 2 Stating Your Feelings 3 Active Listening 4 Using Proper Manners 5 Sharing Ideas and Tasks 6 Encouraging Others 7 Team Player and School Pride 8 Asking for Help 9 Fully Engaged 10 Taking Turns 11 Paraphrasing 12 Building Trust in Relationships 13 Creative Thinking 14 Expressing Confidence 15 Accepting Differences 16 Asking Clarifying Questions 17 Giving Quality Feedback 18 Showing Empathy 19 20 End of 1st Semester July-August September October November December RESPECT SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY TRUSTWORTHINESS TOLERANCE January February March April May-June SELF-DIRECTION CITIZENSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY CARING DEDICATION
Bully Prevention Month Key Message Focus Virtue Character Trait July-August 08-13-14 “Everyone has the right to be safe at school.” Classroom Contract Respect September 09-10-14 “Bullying is not acceptable.” Definition- meaning and application Consideration Understanding Caring Empathy October 10-08-14 “Everyone needs to learn to live in peace.” Peace Places Review Peace Path Cooperation Forgiveness Justice Peacefulness Fairness Compassion Honesty November 11-12-14 “We all want to feel included.” Empathy development Friendship skills Friendliness Inclusiveness December 12-10-14 Conflict is inevitable, bullying is not.” Difference between conflict and bullying Tolerance Responsibility Self-Discipline January 01-14-15 “Telling and adult about bullying is not tattling.” Difference between tattling and telling Assessing dangerous situations Truthfulness Trustworthiness February 02-11-15 “Bullying can be stopped.” How to deal with bullying Perseverance Purposefulness Detachment March 03-11-15 “if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” Bystanders need to be witnesses Responsibility to help Courage Helpfulness Honor Unity Citizenship April 04-08-15 “Bullying is NOT a normal part of growing up.” Why people bully others Anger management skills Gentleness Kindness Humility Integrity May-June 05-13-15 “It’s important to communicate well.” Assertive communication skills Assertiveness
PBIS Update Since the beginning of school…we’ve been adamant about… Choosing to be Positive and Happy instead of Negative and Toxic (color of pea soup)
PBIS Update Since the beginning of school… We’ve put together our best group of support staff we’ve had in the past four years We have decreased drama and upheaval during lunch dramatically
PBIS Resolutions to Barriers For PBIS Culture to flourish… Be Positive and Happy and Spend Less Time with Toxic and Negative Seek Interventions/Behavior Plans to apply for challenging students Seek immediate redirection from admin to avoid Level 10 Understand Our Philosophy of Removal or Out of School Suspension
PBIS Resolutions to Barriers For PBIS Culture to flourish… Use after school detention as an intervention Be proactive and consistent with parent communication State and repeat behavior expectations rather than questions Give some time to areas of behavior that show gaps in expectations Relationships, relationships, relationships
Support for PBIS or… Make Your Day and Step 4 This involves calling the parent each and every time for a face to face conference
PBIS- WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE? I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshinin’ day. I Can See Clearly Now I Can See Clearly Now- Jimmy Cliff