Lets Think About Time….


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Presentation transcript:

Lets Think About Time…

All: Communicate findings using simple lists, pictures, graphs or charts-level 2 Most: use units of time appropraitely-level 3 Some: Try ideas of my own related to sequencing- level 4 * Solve problems that include converting time to decimal numbers-level 5

What: problem solving using time How: clues, whiteboards, partner chat Why: to improve our problem solving skills

Clues 60 sec in one minute 60 minutes in one hour Using a time line can be helpful Sort the cards in order Use your clock to act the change in time

Prepare the vegetables A chef is preparing a fish meal. These are the jobs he has to do, but they are not in order. Job A Heat and stir the sauce Takes 3 minutes Must be completed just before the fish is served Job B Make the sauce Takes 7 minutes Must be done before heating the sauce Job C Prepare the vegetables Takes 4 minutes Must be done before making the sauce and before cooking the vegetables Job D Skin and bone the fish Takes 5 minutes Must be done before cooking the fish Job E Cook the vegetables Takes 10 minutes Must be completed just before the fish is served Job F Serve up the meal Takes 2 minutes Job G Cook the fish Takes 5 minutes .

The chef is on his own and can only do one thing at once. The fish and the vegetables can be left to cook in the oven while he does something else What is the order in which the chef should do the jobs? Use the letters A to G. The customer wants the chef to serve the fish dish at 6.00pm. What is the latest time the chef can start preparing it? The chef needs to see how you did the calculations

What do we now for certain? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Consider…. How long does it take to boil a potato? How about frying a fish? Would you start them at both the same time? Which one would you start first? Record your reasoning so that any looking at your work would understand what you are thinking. (DO NOT JUST WRITE THE ANSWER)

What do we need to find out? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What can I do now? All: Communicate findings using simple lists, pictures, graphs or charts-level 2 Most: use units of time-level 3 Some: Try ideas of my own related to sequencing- level 4 * Solve problems that include decimals-level 5

??? Create your own time problem and answer key. Be creative and have fun!